September 19, 2024, 09:58 AM UTC
Date & Time
Runtime: 3.3s
On September 19, 2024, 09:58 AM UTC, https://alt.com/ was accessible when tested on AS15169 in Singapore.


HTTP Experiment
DNS Experiment

DNS Queries

IN A alt.com

TCP Connections

Connection to succeeded.

HTTP Requests

GET https://alt.com/
Response Headers
Thu, 19 Sep 2024 09:58:03 GMT
bdsm_pop=1; Secure; path=/; domain=.alt.com; expires=Sat, 19-Oct-2024 09:58:03 GMT; secure;HttpOnly;Secure
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Response Body
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        <img alt="ALT members enjoy BDSM, bondage, fetishes, SM, femdom, domination, submission, live sex dates, much more" id="screenshot" src="https://secureimage.securedataimages.com/images/bdsm/39662/ALT-BDSM-BondageMembers.png" />
        <div class="taglines">
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            <img alt="ALT Bondage Community" class="tag_img" src="https://secureimage.securedataimages.com/images/bdsm/39662/ALT-BondageCommunity.png" />
            <h2 class="tag_text">The alternative bondage community enjoys hooking up online and live in person for BDSM chat, bondage fetishes and sex dates</h2>
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            <img class="tag_img" src="https://secureimage.securedataimages.com/images/bdsm/39662/ALT-MemberProfiles.png" />
            <h2 alt="ALT Members share videos, fetishes and more through their online profile" class="tag_text">ALT members share bondage videos, kinky fetishes, SM (sado maso) fantasies and BDSM porn through their ALT.com profile and in person</h2>
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            <h2 alt="Find ALT members for BDSM sex" class="tag_text">Find a BDSM Partner, Bondage Playmate or Kinky Date on ALT.com.</h2>

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            <h2 class="seo_head"><span class="yellow">ALT.com:</span> The Best BDSM Dating</h2>
            <div class="seo_text">ALT members find alternative, BDSM, bondage & fetish partners through ALT.com. Connect online and meet in person on live dates. ALT singles, swingers and couples include amateurs, dominatrixes, and mistresses looking for Total Power Exchange. With so many BDSM sites, ALT leads them all with almost TWO million members. Chat with members online, watch videos, view cams and start dating!</div>
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            <h2 class="seo_head"><span class="yellow">Erotic BDSM</span> Fetish Play and Fun</h2>
            <div class="seo_text">ALT.com is the leading adult BDSM fetish and bondage play destination online for the worldwide alternative dating community. BDSM Dating in the ALT community will give you the opportunity to explore countless bondage interests for kinky BDSM play. Find thousands of possible partners if you have a foot fetish, want to explore a gay fetish or have a latex fetish. Have fun with spanking fetishes, a medical fetish, fetish sex and leg fetishes. Try bondage fetishes such as a hair fetish or nylon fetish. These are just a small number of the BDSM fetishes our members enjoy.</div>
            <a href="/p/register.cgi?&who=r_ioBq1FTBpO422MJrif46c.iUqLsnZD4K7nfujxkQK_P0MFX.C5H4RO0NDEWjidpAg9uEm1.ylm1xkt6Qyc8M2EwBm7XtmmEuvZXmBYR_FAZTXiH9gmuHj30L1XS5gt9RcI7755WRs9iVlAX3f_CTmA--&trlid=cover_bdsm_facelift_2-4&geonames_reg=1" title="Join to start experimenting today" class="alt_button">Join to start experimenting today</a>
          <div id="last_item" class="item">
            <h2 class="seo_head"><span class="yellow">Many Types of </span> Bondage to Experience</h2>
            <div class="seo_text">Whether you're new to bondage or an amateur, there are so many types of bondage to experience. Some popular kinds of bondage our members enjoy are self bondage, shibari, Japanese bondage, lesbian bondage, latex bondage and rope bondage. Other popular types of bondage our members have fun with are breast bondage, anal bondage and water bondage. If you're in the mood to experiment with additional bondage categories, try exploring rubber bondage or mature bondage!</div>
            <a href="/p/register.cgi?&who=r_ioBq1FTBpO422MJrif46c.iUqLsnZD4K7nfujxkQK_P0MFX.C5H4RO0NDEWjidpAg9uEm1.ylm1xkt6Qyc8M2EwBm7XtmmEuvZXmBYR_FAZTXiH9gmuHj30L1XS5gt9RcI7755WRs9iVlAX3f_CTmA--&trlid=cover_bdsm_facelift_2-5&geonames_reg=1" title="Join ALT to explore these and more" class="alt_button">Join ALT to explore these and more</a>



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var qb_currency = self.currency || '$';
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self.affl_req_cc = '0';

/* Registration errors */
self.error_msg_reg = {
  allfields : "All fields are required to be filled.",
  handle : "Your username is missing.<br>",
  handle_used : "The username you have selected is already being used.  Please choose another.",
  handle_suggested : "The following names are still available:",
  handle_format : "Please do not use special characters or spaces in your username.",
  handle_length : "Your username must be 4-16 characters long.",
  handle_banned : "Please choose another username as the one you have chosen may be inappropriate.",
  email : "Your email address is blank.",
  email_unique : "Please choose a different email.",
  email_too_long : "Your email address is too long.",
  email_wrong_format : "Your email is in the wrong format.",
  email_baddomain_alt : "We cannot send email to that domain.  Please try another email address.",
  baddomain_alt_email : "The mail system is unstable. Please use another email provider.",
  email_baddomain : "Your email domain is incorrect.",
  email_invaliddomain : "Your email domain name is invalid.",
  email_diff : "Please choose a different email.",
  email_validation_status_string : "This email address is invalid.  Please check the spelling or provide another email address.",
  baddomain : "The mail system is unstable. Please use another email provider.",
  password_change : "Change Your Password",
  short_password : "Your password must be 5-16 characters and contain only letters and numbers. Passwords are case sensitive.",
  password_invalid : "You have entered an incorrect password. Passwords are case sensitive."

/* Login errors */
self.error_msg_login = {
  no_stuff : "Please enter a username or email and password.",
  code : "A four digit security code was sent to your registered email at ",
  scode_sent : function(email_hash) { return( "A four digit security code was sent to your registered email at "+email_hash ); },
  scode : "Invalid security code. Please try again.",
  account_locked : "Too many failed attempts. Your account is now locked.",
  incorrect : "Your username and/or password are incorrect.  Please try again."

/* Update errors */
self.error_msg_update = {
  allfields : "All fields are required to be filled.",
  email : "Your email address is blank.",
  email_unique : "Please choose a different email.",
  email_too_long : "Your email address is too long.",
  email_wrong_format : "Your email is in the wrong format.",
  email_baddomain_alt : "We cannot send email to that domain.  Please try another email address.",
  baddomain_alt_email : "The mail system is unstable. Please use another email provider.",
  email_baddomain : "Your email domain is incorrect.",
  email_invaliddomain : "Your email domain name is invalid.",
  email_diff : "Please choose a different email.",
  email_validation_status_string : "This email address is invalid.  Please check the spelling or provide another email address.",
  baddomain : "The mail system is unstable. Please use another email provider.",
  email_used_by_other_account : "Your email address is already used by another member.",
  short_password : "Your password must be 5-16 characters and contain only letters and numbers. Passwords are case sensitive.",
  password_incorrect : "You have entered an incorrect password. Passwords are case sensitive.",
  password_invalid : "You have entered an incorrect password. Passwords are case sensitive."

/* WON Category Translations */
self.won_categories_translate = {
  Favorites : "My Favorites",
  'Fan Clubs' : "My Fan Clubs",
  'Recently Viewed' : "Recently Viewed",
  Girls : "Female",
  'All Girls' : "All Girls",
  Anal  : "Anal",
  'Ass Play'  : "Ass Play",
  Asian : "Asian",
  'Big Tits' : "Big Tits",
  'Big Boobs' : "Big Boobs",
  Bisexual : "Bisexual",
  'Black Hair' : "Black Hair",
  Blonde : "Blonde",
  Brunette : "Brunette",
  'College Cuties' : "College Cuties",
  Latina : "Latina",
  MILF : "MILF",
  Redhead : "Redhead",
  Couples : "Couples",
  Ebony : "Ebony",
  'Hairy Pussy' : "Hairy Pussy",
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  Mature : "Mature",
  Group : "Group",
  Nude : "Nude",
  New : "New",
  Pornstars : "Pornstars",  
  Teens : "Teen (18+)",
  USA : "USA",
  Guys : "All Guys",
  Transgender : "Transgender",
  'All Guys' : "All Guys",
  'Gay Guys' : "Gay Guys",
  'Straight Guys' : "Straight Guys",
  'Gay Couples' : "Gay Couples",
  no_favorites : "<div style=\"font-size:12px !important; \"><br/>You haven't added any models to your favorites yet. Check out some of these models and add your favorites now:<br/><br/></div>",
  no_fanclubs : "<div style=\"font-size:12px !important; \"><br/>You haven't joined any model fan clubs yet. Check out some of these models, and join their fan clubs now:<br/><br/></div>",
  no_recent : "<div style=\"font-size:12px !important; \"><br/>You haven\'t viewed any models. Check out some of these models now:<br/><br/></div>"
/* Player, EOS, and Bio Messages */
self.player_msg = {
  model_nude_chat : "Model has gone to nude chat.  Register now to see more!",
  model_private_chat : "Model has gone to private chat.  Register now to see more!",
  model_party_chat : "Model has gone to party chat.  Register now to see more!",
  model_member_chat : "Model has gone to chat for members only.  Register now to see more!",
  model_deny_private : "The model would like to stay in free chat, so she is not taking any privates right now. Please try again later.",
  reg_for_free : "Register for Free to chat with all models!",
  model_not_found : "ALT.com model not found.  Please search for a different model name.",
  no_cc : "You have reached your daily spending limit or you do not have a credit card on file.",
  model_not_free : "Model is not in free chat.  Log in or register to watch!",
  register_to_chat : "Register for Free to chat with all models!",
  model_offline : "Model has gone offline.",
  show_start_soon : "The show will start soon.",
  low_balance : "Your balance will run out in less than a minute.",
  qb_order: function (pts) { return "Place a quickbuy order for $"+pts+".00?"; },
  qb_card_info: function () { return self.qb_card_type + " ***********"+self.qb_cc_last_4; },
  qb_invalid_cvv: "The CVV does not appear to be valid. Please try again.",
  qb_no_cvv: function() { return( "CVV is required." ); },
  qb_fanc_processed : "Your fan club order is being processed",
  eos_error_favorited: function() { return( stream_name + " has been added to your favorites, but to join their fanclub or to tip them, you need funds added to your account." ); },
  eos_error_low_funds: function(new_balance) { return "For your tip to this model, you only have {balance} to give. Please change it to a lower amount.".replace(/{balance}/g,new_balance); },
  eos_error_add_cc: function() { return( "Please add a valid credit card to your account first." ); },
  eos_fanc_fav_tip_rating: function(tip_amt) { return( "You have joined " + stream_name + "\'s fanclub, added " + stream_name + " to your favorites, tipped them " + tip_amt + " and left a rating." ); },
  eos_fanc_fav_tip: function(tip_amt) { return( "You have joined " + stream_name + "\'s fanclub, added " + stream_name + " to your favorites, and tipped them " + tip_amt + "." ); },
  eos_fanc_fav: function() { return( "You have added " + stream_name + " to your favorites and joined their fan club." ); },
  eos_fav_tip: function(tip_amt) { return( "You have added " + stream_name + " to your favorites and tipped " + tip_amt + "." ); },
  eos_fanc_tip: function(tip_amt) { return( "You have joined this " + stream_name + "\'s fan club and tipped them " + tip_amt + "." ); },
  eos_fanc: function() { return( "You have joined " + stream_name + "\'s fan club" ); },
  eos_tip: function(tip_amt) { return( "You have tipped " + stream_name + " " + tip_amt + "." ); },
  eos_rating: function() { return( "You have left a rating for this model." ); },
  gift_add_funds: function(new_balance) { return("You only have $"+new_balance+" to give.  Want to add funds to your account?") },
  gift_offline_add_funds: function(new_balance) { return("You only have $"+new_balance+" to give.") },
  quickload_approved: function(new_balance) { return "Autoload added "+new_balance+" to your wallet." },
  quickload_declined: "Autoload is currently unavailable.",
  quickload_declined_limit: "You have reached your daily spending limit. Please contact our Customer Support.",
  myconfirm : {
    nude_chat : function (nprice) { return('Enter Nude Chat for $'+(typeof price != 'undefined' ? price['nude'].toFixed(2) : 'foo4' )+' per minute?') },
    private_chat : function (nprice) { return('Enter Private Chat with '+(typeof stream_name != 'undefined' ? stream_name : 'foo' )+' for $'+ (typeof price != 'undefined' ? price['private'].toFixed(2) : 'foo2') +' per minute?')},
    exclusive_chat : function (nprice) { return('Enter Exclusive Chat (no voyeurs) with '+(typeof stream_name != 'undefined' ? stream_name : 'foo' )+' for $'+ (typeof price != 'undefined' ? price['private'].toFixed(2) : 'foo2') +' per minute?') },
    voyeur_view : function (nprice) { return('Enter Voyeur View for $'+(typeof price != 'undefined' ? price['voyeur'].toFixed(2) : 'foo3' )+' per minute?')},
    end_private : function () { return('End Private Chat with '+stream_name+'?')},
    end_exclusive : function () { return('End Exclusive Chat?')},
    end_nude : function () { return('End Nude Chat with '+stream_name+'?')},
    end_voyeur : function () { return('End Voyeur Chat with '+stream_name+'?')},
    confirm_quickbuy : function (amount) {
      var qb_ql_amount = (typeof(quickload_amount) !== 'undefined' && quickload_amount > 0) ? parseInt(quickload_amount) : 20;
      var qb_ql_threshold = (typeof(quickload_point) !== 'undefined' && quickload_point > 0) ? parseInt(quickload_point) : 10;
      var ql_cb = '';
      if (show_quickload && typeof(quickload_enabled) != 'undefined' && quickload_enabled != '1') {
        ql_cb = '<br/><br/><input id="quickload_cb" type="checkbox" name="auto_refill" value="1" ';
        if (typeof(quickload_enabled) != 'undefined' && parseInt(quickload_enabled) < 0) {
          ql_cb += ' checked ';
        ql_cb += '/>Enable Autoload';
        ql_cb += '<div id="ql_qb_desc" class="fs12 mt3" style="display:none;">Authorizes automatic purchases of {amount} whenever your wallet falls below {threshold}. Turn-off or update Autoload settings in the menu.</div>';
        ql_cb += '<div id="ql_qb_what" onclick="unhide(\'ql_qb_desc\');hide(\'ql_qb_what\');" class="fs12 mt3 fc_blue tdu" style="display:block;">What is Autoload?</div>';
      } else if (typeof(quickload_enabled) !== 'undefined' && quickload_enabled == '1' && typeof(quickload_amount) !== 'undefined' && quickload_amount > 0 && quickload_amount != parseInt(amount)) {
        ql_cb = '<br/><input id="quickload_cb" type="checkbox" name="auto_refill" value="1" />Change Autoload to $' + parseFloat(amount).toFixed(2);
      if(self.vat > 0) {
        return( '(Purchase price includes '+qb_points_vat+'% VAT for '+self.country+')<br/><br/>'+'Add $' + amount + ' to your balance?'+ql_cb+'<br/>* Charges will appear on your credit card statement as "FFNHelp.com*FRIENDF".')
      } else { 
        return( 'Add $' + amount + ' to your balance?'+ql_cb+'<br/>* Charges will appear on your credit card statement as "FFNHelp.com*FRIENDF".') 
    VIEWER_CONFIRM_NUDE: function(price){
      return "Enter Nude Chat with {stream_name} for {price} per minute?"
       .replace(/{stream_name}/g,stream_name||"This model");
    VIEWER_CONFIRM_PRIVATE: function(price,stream_name){
      return "Enter Private Chat with {stream_name} for {price} per minute?"
        .replace(/{stream_name}/g,stream_name||"This model");
    VIEWER_CONFIRM_EXCLUSIVE: function(price,stream_name){
      return "Enter Exclusive Chat (no voyeurs) with {stream_name} for {price} per minute?"
        .replace(/{stream_name}/g,stream_name||"This model");
    VIEWER_CONFIRM_VOYEUR: function(price,stream_name){
      return "Enter Voyeur View with {stream_name} for {price} per minute?"
        .replace(/{stream_name}/g,stream_name||"This model");

/* Flash player messaging */

self.msg = {
  confirm : {
    chatPrice : function ( chatType ){
      return( 'Enter Private Chat with ' + stream_name + ' for $' + price[chatType].toFixed(2) + ' per minute.' );  
    stopChat:         function (){ return( 'Do you want to end this show with ' + stream_name + '?' ); },
    chatTypeChanged:  function ( chatType ){ return  stream_name + ' has entered ' + chatType +
                                                            ' chat for ' + price[chatType] +
                                                            ' per minute. Watch this model now?'; },
    redirectAddFunds: function (){ return( 'To complete this action you need to add more funds' + '. ' +
                                                   'Do you want to end this show with ' + stream_name + '?' ); },
    goToAddFunds: function (){ return( 'To complete this action you need to add more funds' + '. '); },
    connectionIssues: function (){ return( 'This model is experiencing connection issues at the moment. Would you like to try another model?' ); }
  alert : {
    cantGetPrice:        function (){ return('' ); },
    getNaked:            function (){ return( 'To chat with any model, please log in or sign up.' ); },
    chatTypeChanged:     function ( chatType ){ var ct = chatType == 'voyeur' ? 'private' : chatType; return( stream_name + ' has entered ' + ct ); },
    stoppedBroadcasting: function (){ return( 'Model stopped broadcasting!' ); },
    freeChatNotAllowed:  function (){ return( 'Model only allows members with positive balance to chat' ); },
    paidMembersOnly:     function (){ return( 'This model has disabled free member and guest chat.  Become a paid member to chat now!' ); },
    anonymousChat:       function (){ return( 'To chat with any model, please log in or sign up.'); },
    addFunds:            function (){ return( 'Please add funds.' ); },
    lowBalance:          function (){ if ( use_flash == 1 ) { return( 'Your balance will run out in less than a minute.\n\nAdd Funds Now!' );  } else { return( 'Your balance will run out in less than a minute.<br/><br/>Add Funds Now!' ); }; },
    ranOutOfFunds:       function (){ return( 'You have run out of funds for this show.' ); },
    tipCompleted:        function ( dollarAmount ){ return( 'You have tipped ' + self.last_stream_name + ' ' + dollarAmount ); },
          lowBalanceTipping:   function (){ return( 'You only have '+ wallet.as("prefix-token") +' to give.' );  },
      quickbuy_success:    function (status){ 
        if ( use_flash == 1 ) { 
          var text_ql_updated = ($('input[name="auto_refill"]').is(":checked")) ? '\n\nYour Autoload settings have been updated.' : '';
          return( 'Order status ' + status + '! Your balance: $'+balance+text_ql_updated+'\n\nThank you for ordering.  "FFNHelp.com*FRIENDF" will appear on your cardholder statement.' ); 
        } else { 
          var text_ql_updated = ($('input[name="auto_refill"]').is(":checked")) ? '<br/><br/>Your Autoload settings have been updated.' : '';
          return( 'Order status ' + status + '! Your balance: '+ wallet.as("prefix-token") +text_ql_updated+'<br/><br/>Thank you for ordering.  "FFNHelp.com*FRIENDF" will appear on your cardholder statement.' ); 
      quickbuy_error:      function (status,balance ){ return( 'Order status ' + status + '! Your balance: '+ wallet.as("prefix-token") ); },
        quickbuy_error_cclimit:function (){ return( 'That purchase amount will exceed your daily purchase limit for that card.' ) },    
    quickbuy_error_limit:function (limit){ return unescape('That purchase amount will exceed your daily purchase limit of $750') },    
    quickbuy_errors_limits:function (limit){ if ( use_flash == 1 ) { return( 'That purchase amount will exceed your daily purchase limit for that card.\n\n' + 'That purchase amount will exceed your daily purchase limit of $750' ) } else { return( 'That purchase amount will exceed your daily purchase limit for that card.<br/><br/>' + 'That purchase amount will exceed your daily purchase limit of $750' ) }; },
    fanclub_qb_success:  function (stream_name){ return( 'Thank you for joining '+stream_name+'\'s Fan Club!' ); },
    fanclub_qb_error:    function (status){ if ( use_flash == 1 ) { return( 'There was a problem processing the fan club subscription \n\nOrder status: ' + status); } else { return( 'There was a problem processing the fan club subscription <br/>Order status: ' + status); } },
    update_success_email:    function (){ return( 'Your email address has been updated. Please click the "Activate Now" button in that email to activate your account.' ); },
    confirm_email_resent:    function (){ return( 'A confirmation email has been sent. Thank You! Please click the "Activate Now" button in that email to activate your account.' ); },
    add_bookmark_android_steps: function(){ return( 'Installation Instructions<br/><br/><ol style="text-align:left"><li>Save/Add ALT.com to your bookmarks </li><li>Go to your bookmarks</li><li>Press and hold the ALT.com icon</li><li>Click on "Add shortcut to home" or "Add to home screen"</li></ol>' ); },
    add_bookmark_chrome_steps: function(){ return( 'Installation Instructions<br/><div style=\"text-align:left;margin:0 auto;\"><ol><li>Tap menu on your browser<br/><br/></li><li>Select \"Add to homescreen\" for one touch access on your phone or tablet.</li></ol></div>' ); }
  inNudeShow: "Welcome to my Nude Chat room! I have a great show planned for you.",
  inNudePrivateShow: "You are in Private Chat now",
  inExclusiveShow: "You are in Exclusive Chat now",
  inFreeShow: "Welcome to my chat room. Take me private now so you can have me all to yourself!",
  connectedTo: "Connected to"
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Resolver ASN
Resolver IP
Resolver Network Name
Report ID
Software Name
iThena-ooniprobe (1.0.0)
Measurement Engine
ooniprobe-engine (3.10.0-beta.3)

Raw Measurement Data
