September 19, 2024, 03:58 PM UTC
Date & Time
Runtime: 3.1s
On September 19, 2024, 03:58 PM UTC, http://www.worldjewishcongress.org/ was accessible when tested on AS10620 in Colombia.


HTTP Experiment
DNS Experiment

DNS Queries

IN A www.worldjewishcongress.org

TCP Connections

Connection to succeeded.
Connection to succeeded.
Connection to succeeded.
Connection to succeeded.

HTTP Requests

GET https://www.worldjewishcongress.org/en
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                  <h5>LEARN ABOUT THE HOLOCAUST</h5>
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                    Understanding the past is critical to building a better and safer future for all. Check out aboutholocaust.org.
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                  <h5>The Root of Antisemitic Conspiracy Myths</h5>
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                    For centuries the Jewish people have been the subject of antisemitic conspiracy myths.
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                  <h5>Israel: More Than a Country</h5>
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                    Explore the mosaic of Israel through this four-part video series, and understand the country that millions call home. 
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                  <h5>Understanding Hamas</h5>
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                    Learn about Hamas's history, the violent takeover of Gaza, and its role in shaping the dynamics of the current situation.
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                  <h5>Advocacy Toolbox: Fight Hate with Facts </h5>
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                     WJC created this page to help you tackle challenging conversations and delve into topics affecting Jewish people globally. 
                  <a rel="" href="https://www.worldjewishcongress.org/en/fighting-hate-with-facts">
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                  <h5>Breaking down the conflict </h5>
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                     This page debunks the myths surrounding the world's most extensively covered conflicts: the Israeli-Palestinian conflict.  
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                  <h5>Iran&#39;s Long arm of terror</h5>
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                    Learn about the IRGC's determination to target western democracies and total disregard for international law
                  <a rel="" href="https://www.worldjewishcongress.org/en/islamic-revolutionary">
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                  <h5>Legacy of Jews in the MENA</h5>
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                    For centuries Jews were central to Arab society, present in almost every country across the Middle East and Africa.
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                  <h5>WJC Elevate Stands with Israel</h5>
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                    WJC Elevate swiftly mobilized to create a range of resources and taken immediate action following October 7. 
                  <a rel="" href="https://www.worldjewishcongress.org/en/wjc-elevate-stands-with-israel">
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                  <h5>WJC NextGen Blog</h5>
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                    Stay up to date with what WJC NextGen members are doing to safeguard the future of the Jewish people.
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                  <h5>The World Jewish Congress at the UNHRC </h5>
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                    Learn how WJC advocates at the UN Human Rights Council against the disproportionate bias against Israel.   . 
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                  <h5>Bridging the Israel-Diaspora Gap </h5>
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                    Today, it is crucial that the Jewish people come together to foster Jewish unity and face our common challenges together. 
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                  <h5>The Global Fight against Antisemitism</h5>
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                    Governments, civil society, and international organizations must work together to confront  antisemitism.
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                  <h5>Defining antisemitism </h5>
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                    As hate and misinformation spreads, the battle against antisemitism and Holocaust denial requires an international coalition.
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                  <h5>Misconceptions about the IHRA Definition</h5>
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                    This page breaks down the myths surrounding the IHRA definition, and why we need it more than ever.   
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            <a href="/en/news/wjc-rejects-unga-resolution-reaffirming-icj-ruling">
              <img alt="WJC Rejects UNGA Resolution Reaffirming ICJ Ruling on Israeli Action in West Bank" class="mb-4" src="https://wjc.imgix.net/horizon/assets/nFPTbkIp/flag-3158666_1280.jpg?ixlib=rails-4.2.0&w=1200&h=780&fit=crop&q=60&auto=format&lossless=true&s=777ec1cd978deb019cca03443e0d4da8" />
</a>          <h2 class="mb-2 text-xl sm:text-2xl"><a class="hover:underline" href="/en/news/wjc-rejects-unga-resolution-reaffirming-icj-ruling">WJC Rejects UNGA Resolution Reaffirming ICJ Ruling on Israeli Action in West Bank</a></h2>
            <div class="mb-2 text-base font-medium lg:text-lg">We strongly reject the UN General Assembly's resolution, which unfairly singles out Israel, fails to acknowledge the horrific attacks of October 7th, and denies Israel its fundamental right to self-defense. The resolution also ignores terrorism from groups like Hamas and Islamic Jihad, offering a one-sided narrative that overlooks Israel’s right to exist within secure borders.</div>
          <time class="opacity-60 text-gray-dark text-base font-medium" datetime="2024-09-18">
            18 Sep 2024

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                <a href="/en/news/wjc-announces-david-koschitzky-as-chair-of-world-jewish-congress-north-america">
                    <img alt="World Jewish Congress Announces David Koschitzky as Chair of World Jewish Congress North America" src="https://wjc.imgix.net/horizon/assets/Z3LGi4yk/wjc-og.jpeg?ixlib=rails-4.2.0&w=360&h=240&fit=crop&q=60&auto=format&lossless=true&s=78975057d471432ed79501da8c0b9b21" />
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                <h5 class="mb-2 text-base lg:text-lg"><a class="group-hover:underline" href="/en/news/wjc-announces-david-koschitzky-as-chair-of-world-jewish-congress-north-america">World Jewish Congress Announces David Koschitzky as Chair of W...</a></h5>
                <time class="opacity-60 text-gray-dark text-base font-medium" datetime="2024-09-19">
                  19 Sep 2024
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Africa&quot;,&quot;region&quot;:[&quot;Africa&quot;]},{&quot;id&quot;:&quot;CG&quot;,&quot;name&quot;:&quot;Congo&quot;,&quot;region&quot;:[&quot;Africa&quot;]},{&quot;id&quot;:&quot;ZM&quot;,&quot;name&quot;:&quot;Zambia&quot;,&quot;region&quot;:[&quot;Africa&quot;]},{&quot;id&quot;:&quot;ZW&quot;,&quot;name&quot;:&quot;Zimbabwe&quot;,&quot;region&quot;:[&quot;Africa&quot;]},{&quot;id&quot;:&quot;BY&quot;,&quot;name&quot;:&quot;Belarus&quot;,&quot;region&quot;:[&quot;Europe&quot;]},{&quot;id&quot;:&quot;GE&quot;,&quot;name&quot;:&quot;Georgia&quot;,&quot;region&quot;:[&quot;Europe&quot;]},{&quot;id&quot;:&quot;KZ&quot;,&quot;name&quot;:&quot;Kazakhstan&quot;,&quot;region&quot;:[&quot;Eurasia&quot;]},{&quot;id&quot;:&quot;KG&quot;,&quot;name&quot;:&quot;Kyrgyzstan&quot;,&quot;region&quot;:[&quot;Eurasia&quot;]},{&quot;id&quot;:&quot;MD&quot;,&quot;name&quot;:&quot;Moldova (Republic of)&quot;,&quot;region&quot;:[&quot;Europe&quot;]},{&quot;id&quot;:&quot;RU&quot;,&quot;name&quot;:&quot;Russian Federation&quot;,&quot;region&quot;:[&quot;Eurasia&quot;,&quot;Europe&quot;]},{&quot;id&quot;:&quot;TJ&quot;,&quot;name&quot;:&quot;Tajikistan&quot;,&quot;region&quot;:[&quot;Eurasia&quot;]},{&quot;id&quot;:&quot;TM&quot;,&quot;name&quot;:&quot;Turkmenistan&quot;,&quot;region&quot;:[&quot;Eurasia&quot;]},{&quot;id&quot;:&quot;UA&quot;,&quot;name&quot;:&quot;Ukraine&quot;,&quot;region&quot;:[&quot;Eurasia&quot;,&quot;Europe&quot;]},{&quot;id&quot;:&quot;UZ&quot;,&quot;name&quot;:&quot;Uzbekistan&quot;,&quot;region&quot;:[&quot;Eurasia&quot;]},{&quot;id&quot;:&quot;AT&quot;,&quot;name&quot;:&quot;Austria&quot;,&quot;region&quot;:[&quot;Europe&quot;]},{&quot;id&quot;:&quot;BE&quot;,&quot;name&quot;:&quot;Belgium&quot;,&quot;region&quot;:[&quot;Europe&quot;]},{&quot;id&quot;:&quot;CY&quot;,&quot;name&quot;:&quot;Cyprus&quot;,&quot;region&quot;:[&quot;Europe&quot;]},{&quot;id&quot;:&quot;DK&quot;,&quot;name&quot;:&quot;Denmark&quot;,&quot;region&quot;:[&quot;Europe&quot;]},{&quot;id&quot;:&quot;FI&quot;,&quot;name&quot;:&quot;Finland&quot;,&quot;region&quot;:[&quot;Europe&quot;]},{&quot;id&quot;:&quot;FR&quot;,&quot;name&quot;:&quot;France&quot;,&quot;region&quot;:[&quot;Europe&quot;]},{&quot;id&quot;:&quot;DE&quot;,&quot;name&quot;:&quot;Germany&quot;,&quot;region&quot;:[&quot;Europe&quot;]},{&quot;id&quot;:&quot;GI&quot;,&quot;name&quot;:&quot;Gibraltar&quot;,&quot;region&quot;:[&quot;Europe&quot;]},{&quot;id&quot;:&quot;GR&quot;,&quot;name&quot;:&quot;Greece&quot;,&quot;region&quot;:[&quot;Europe&quot;]},{&quot;id&quot;:&quot;IE&quot;,&quot;name&quot;:&quot;Ireland&quot;,&quot;region&quot;:[&quot;Europe&quot;]},{&quot;id&quot;:&quot;IT&quot;,&quot;name&quot;:&quot;Italy&quot;,&quot;region&quot;:[&quot;Europe&quot;]},{&quot;id&quot;:&quot;LU&quot;,&quot;name&quot;:&quot;Luxembourg&quot;,&quot;region&quot;:[&quot;Europe&quot;]},{&quot;id&quot;:&quot;MT&quot;,&quot;name&quot;:&quot;Malta&quot;,&quot;region&quot;:[&quot;Europe&quot;]},{&quot;id&quot;:&quot;MC&quot;,&quot;name&quot;:&quot;Monaco&quot;,&quot;region&quot;:[&quot;Europe&quot;]},{&quot;id&quot;:&quot;NL&quot;,&quot;name&quot;:&quot;Netherlands&quot;,&quot;region&quot;:[&quot;Europe&quot;]},{&quot;id&quot;:&quot;NO&quot;,&quot;name&quot;:&quot;Norway&quot;,&quot;region&quot;:[&quot;Europe&quot;]},{&quot;id&quot;:&quot;PT&quot;,&quot;name&quot;:&quot;Portugal&quot;,&quot;region&quot;:[&quot;Europe&quot;]},{&quot;id&quot;:&quot;ES&quot;,&quot;name&quot;:&quot;Spain&quot;,&quot;region&quot;:[&quot;Europe&quot;]},{&quot;id&quot;:&quot;SE&quot;,&quot;name&quot;:&quot;Sweden&quot;,&quot;region&quot;:[&quot;Europe&quot;]},{&quot;id&quot;:&quot;CH&quot;,&quot;name&quot;:&quot;Switzerland&quot;,&quot;region&quot;:[&quot;Europe&quot;]},{&quot;id&quot;:&quot;GB&quot;,&quot;name&quot;:&quot;United Kingdom&quot;,&quot;region&quot;:[&quot;Europe&quot;]},{&quot;id&quot;:&quot;IL&quot;,&quot;name&quot;:&quot;Israel&quot;,&quot;region&quot;:[&quot;Israel&quot;]},{&quot;id&quot;:&quot;MX&quot;,&quot;name&quot;:&quot;Mexico&quot;,&quot;region&quot;:[&quot;North America&quot;]},{&quot;id&quot;:&quot;AM&quot;,&quot;name&quot;:&quot;Armenia&quot;,&quot;region&quot;:[&quot;Europe&quot;]},{&quot;id&quot;:&quot;AZ&quot;,&quot;name&quot;:&quot;Azerbaijan&quot;,&quot;region&quot;:[&quot;Eurasia&quot;]},{&quot;id&quot;:&quot;NI&quot;,&quot;name&quot;:&quot;Nicaragua&quot;,&quot;region&quot;:[&quot;Latin America&quot;]},{&quot;id&quot;:&quot;PA&quot;,&quot;name&quot;:&quot;Panama&quot;,&quot;region&quot;:[&quot;Latin America&quot;]},{&quot;id&quot;:&quot;PY&quot;,&quot;name&quot;:&quot;Paraguay&quot;,&quot;region&quot;:[&quot;Latin America&quot;]},{&quot;id&quot;:&quot;UY&quot;,&quot;name&quot;:&quot;Uruguay&quot;,&quot;region&quot;:[&quot;Latin America&quot;]},{&quot;id&quot;:&quot;VE&quot;,&quot;name&quot;:&quot;Venezuela (Bolivarian Republic of)&quot;,&quot;region&quot;:[&quot;Latin America&quot;]},{&quot;id&quot;:&quot;PE&quot;,&quot;name&quot;:&quot;Peru&quot;,&quot;region&quot;:[&quot;Latin America&quot;]},{&quot;id&quot;:&quot;LA&quot;,&quot;name&quot;:&quot;Lao People&#39;s Democratic Republic&quot;,&quot;region&quot;:[&quot;Eurasia&quot;]},{&quot;id&quot;:&quot;NP&quot;,&quot;name&quot;:&quot;Nepal&quot;,&quot;region&quot;:[&quot;Eurasia&quot;]},{&quot;id&quot;:&quot;VN&quot;,&quot;name&quot;:&quot;Viet Nam&quot;,&quot;region&quot;:[&quot;Eurasia&quot;]},{&quot;id&quot;:&quot;ME&quot;,&quot;name&quot;:&quot;Montenegro&quot;,&quot;region&quot;:[&quot;Europe&quot;]},{&quot;id&quot;:&quot;RS&quot;,&quot;name&quot;:&quot;Serbia&quot;,&quot;region&quot;:[&quot;Europe&quot;]},{&quot;id&quot;:&quot;LS&quot;,&quot;name&quot;:&quot;Lesotho&quot;,&quot;region&quot;:[&quot;Africa&quot;]},{&quot;id&quot;:&quot;SZ&quot;,&quot;name&quot;:&quot;eSwatini&quot;,&quot;region&quot;:[&quot;Africa&quot;]},{&quot;id&quot;:&quot;MU&quot;,&quot;name&quot;:&quot;Mauritius&quot;,&quot;region&quot;:[&quot;Africa&quot;]},{&quot;id&quot;:&quot;AW&quot;,&quot;name&quot;:&quot;Aruba&quot;,&quot;region&quot;:[&quot;Latin America&quot;]},{&quot;id&quot;:&quot;CW&quot;,&quot;name&quot;:&quot;Curaçao&quot;,&quot;region&quot;:[&quot;Latin America&quot;]},{&quot;id&quot;:&quot;LV&quot;,&quot;name&quot;:&quot;Latvia&quot;,&quot;region&quot;:[&quot;Europe&quot;]},{&quot;id&quot;:&quot;MN&quot;,&quot;name&quot;:&quot;Mongolia&quot;,&quot;region&quot;:[&quot;Eurasia&quot;]},{&quot;id&quot;:&quot;AE&quot;,&quot;name&quot;:&quot;United Arab Emirates&quot;,&quot;region&quot;:[&quot;Eurasia&quot;]}]" v-cloak>
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            <div v-for="region in regions" :key="region.key" class="my-2 lg:my-0 lg:px-1">
                popover-class="region-dropdown-menu dropdown-menu-2 dropdown-menu"
                :popper-options="{preventOverflow: { enabled: false }}"
                class="region-dropdown dropdown"
                <button class="region-dropdown-toggle tooltip-target dropdown-trigger">{{region.name}}</button>

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                        <input class="searchable-input" :key="region.key" type="text" @input="dropdownSearchHandler($event)" placeholder="Search..." />
                    <li v-for="country in filterByRegion(region.name)" :key="country.id">
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        <div v-if="!isMobile" class="relative pt-21 pb-8 overflow-hidden" id="map-wrapper">
            <svg xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" width="1008" height="388" viewBox="0 0 1008 388" id="communities-map" class="map-svg">
  <path id="AE" class="land" fill="rgba(23, 88, 168, .5)" stroke="rgba(255, 255, 255, .5)" stroke-width="0.5" aria-label="United Arab Emirates" role="menuitem" cs="100,100" d=" M 619.87 166.01 L 620.37 165.88 L 620.48 166.64 L 622.67 166.21 L 624.99 166.28 L 626.68 166.36 L 628.6 164.48 L 630.7 162.68 L 632.47 160.97 L 633 161.92 L 633.38 164.12 L 631.95 164.13 L 631.72 165.95 L 632.22 166.33 L 630.95 166.88 L 630.94 168.03 L 630.12 169.18 L 630.05 170.3 L 629.48 170.89 L 621.06 169.49 L 619.98 166.66 Z "></path>
  <path id="AF" class="land" fill="#1758A8" stroke="rgba(255, 255, 255, .5)" stroke-width="0.5" aria-label="Afghanistan" role="menuitem" cs="100,100" d=" M 646.88 134.19 L 649.74 135.25 L 651.85 134.88 L 652.44 133.62 L 654.65 133.2 L 656.23 132.35 L 656.79 130.11 L 659.15 129.57 L 659.59 128.58 L 660.92 129.32 L 661.76 129.41 L 663.32 129.44 L 665.44 130.02 L 666.29 130.36 L 668.32 129.47 L 669.27 130 L 670.17 128.73 L 671.85 128.78 L 672.28 128.37 L 672.58 127.24 L 673.79 126.28 L 675.3 126.91 L 675 127.76 L 675.85 127.9 L 675.58 130.24 L 676.69 131.16 L 677.67 130.57 L 678.92 130.3 L 680.66 129.05 L 682.59 129.25 L 685.49 129.25 L 685.99 130.06 L 684.35 130.37 L 682.93 130.89 L 679.71 131.21 L 676.7 131.79 L 675.06 133.01 L 675.72 134.19 L 676.05 135.58 L 674.65 136.75 L 674.77 137.82 L 674 138.83 L 671.33 138.74 L 672.43 140.59 L 670.65 141.3 L 669.46 142.98 L 669.61 144.66 L 668.51 145.44 L 667.48 145.19 L 665.33 145.55 L 665.03 146.33 L 662.94 146.33 L 661.38 147.9 L 661.28 150.28 L 657.63 151.43 L 655.68 151.19 L 655.11 151.8 L 653.44 151.45 L 650.63 151.87 L 645.94 150.44 L 648.48 147.91 L 648.25 146.11 L 646.13 145.65 L 645.91 143.87 L 644.99 141.64 L 646.19 140.11 L 644.97 139.71 L 645.74 137.68 Z "></path>
  <path id="AL" class="land" fill="#1758A8" stroke="rgba(255, 255, 255, .5)" stroke-width="0.5" aria-label="Albania" role="menuitem" cs="100,100" d=" M 532.98 116.87 L 532.63 117.81 L 533.03 119.01 L 534.19 119.69 L 534.13 120.42 L 533.22 120.84 L 533.05 121.74 L 531.75 123.09 L 531.27 122.9 L 531.22 122.29 L 529.66 121.35 L 529.42 120.01 L 529.66 118.11 L 530.04 117.24 L 529.57 116.8 L 529.38 115.91 L 530.6 114.53 L 530.77 115.06 L 531.53 114.81 L 532.13 115.57 L 532.8 115.85 Z "></path>
  <path id="AM" class="land" fill="#1758A8" stroke="rgba(255, 255, 255, .5)" stroke-width="0.5" aria-label="Armenia" role="menuitem" cs="100,100" d=" M 597.45 118.99 L 601.35 118.56 L 601.93 119.3 L 603 119.78 L 602.43 120.48 L 603.93 121.44 L 603.14 122.33 L 604.33 123.09 L 605.59 123.54 L 605.65 125.48 L 604.63 125.56 L 603.49 123.94 L 603.5 123.52 L 602.26 123.53 L 601.43 122.77 L 600.85 122.85 L 599.74 122.03 L 597.66 121.34 L 597.93 119.98 Z "></path>
  <path id="AO" class="land" fill="rgba(23, 88, 168, .5)" stroke="rgba(255, 255, 255, .5)" stroke-width="0.5" aria-label="Angola" role="menuitem" cs="100,100" d=" M 521.03 249.93 L 521.72 252.01 L 522.52 253.68 L 523.16 254.58 L 524.23 256.04 L 526.08 255.81 L 527.01 255.41 L 528.56 255.81 L 528.98 255.12 L 529.68 253.49 L 531.42 253.38 L 531.57 252.89 L 533 252.88 L 532.76 253.89 L 536.16 253.87 L 536.21 255.62 L 536.78 256.7 L 536.37 258.38 L 536.58 260.1 L 537.52 261.13 L 537.37 264.45 L 538.06 264.19 L 539.28 264.26 L 541.02 263.85 L 542.3 264.02 L 542.6 264.88 L 542.28 266.23 L 542.77 267.54 L 542.35 268.59 L 542.59 269.56 L 536.75 269.52 L 536.62 278.39 L 538.51 280.67 L 540.34 282.41 L 535.19 283.54 L 528.4 283.15 L 526.46 281.82 L 515.09 281.94 L 514.67 282.14 L 513 280.88 L 511.18 280.8 L 509.5 281.27 L 508.15 281.81 L 507.89 280.06 L 508.28 277.61 L 509.25 275.05 L 509.4 273.85 L 510.31 271.34 L 510.98 270.2 L 512.59 268.38 L 513.49 267.13 L 513.78 265.07 L 513.63 263.49 L 512.79 262.49 L 512.04 260.8 L 511.35 259.13 L 511.5 258.55 L 512.36 257.44 L 511.51 254.75 L 510.94 252.88 L 509.54 251.13 L 509.81 250.59 L 510.97 250.21 L 511.78 250.26 L 512.76 249.92 L 521.03 249.93 Z  M 510.12 249.39 L 509.41 249.69 L 508.66 247.6 L 509.79 246.4 L 510.64 245.93 L 511.69 246.88 L 510.67 247.47 L 510.21 248.19 L 510.12 249.39 Z "></path>
  <path id="AR" class="land" fill="#1758A8" stroke="rgba(255, 255, 255, .5)" stroke-width="0.5" aria-label="Argentina" role="menuitem" cs="100,100" d=" M 291.6 387.71 L 288.94 387.85 L 287.51 386.86 L 285.82 386.79 L 282.82 386.79 L 282.82 380.53 L 283.9 381.83 L 285.3 383.93 L 288.95 385.62 L 292.88 386.32 L 291.6 387.71 Z  M 293.1 295.09 L 294.75 297.1 L 295.84 294.86 L 299.04 294.97 L 299.49 295.56 L 304.64 300.11 L 306.93 300.53 L 310.36 302.59 L 313.25 303.68 L 313.65 304.91 L 310.89 309.15 L 313.72 309.91 L 316.87 310.33 L 319.09 309.89 L 321.63 307.75 L 322.09 305.29 L 323.48 304.75 L 324.89 306.37 L 324.83 308.6 L 322.47 310.14 L 320.59 311.27 L 317.43 313.99 L 313.69 317.79 L 312.99 320.02 L 312.24 322.9 L 312.27 325.68 L 311.66 326.3 L 311.44 328.11 L 311.25 329.57 L 314.81 331.96 L 314.43 333.89 L 316.18 335.11 L 316.04 336.48 L 313.35 340.07 L 309.19 341.57 L 303.57 342.15 L 300.49 341.87 L 301.08 343.54 L 300.51 345.63 L 301.03 347.04 L 299.35 348.03 L 296.48 348.41 L 293.78 347.39 L 292.7 348.13 L 293.09 350.91 L 294.98 351.75 L 296.52 350.87 L 297.36 352.32 L 294.78 353.19 L 292.53 354.93 L 292.12 357.74 L 291.46 359.24 L 288.81 359.25 L 286.61 360.69 L 285.81 362.79 L 288.57 364.83 L 291.25 365.4 L 290.29 367.92 L 286.98 369.5 L 285.16 372.78 L 282.6 373.89 L 281.45 375.2 L 282.36 378.11 L 284.23 379.73 L 283.05 379.59 L 280.45 379.15 L 273.67 378.78 L 272.51 377.15 L 272.56 375.05 L 270.69 375.23 L 269.7 374.21 L 269.45 371.24 L 271.6 370.01 L 272.49 368.23 L 272.16 366.81 L 273.65 364.42 L 274.67 360.72 L 274.37 359.08 L 275.59 358.54 L 275.29 357.49 L 273.99 356.93 L 274.91 355.75 L 273.64 354.69 L 272.99 351.46 L 274.12 350.89 L 273.65 347.48 L 274.31 344.62 L 275.06 342.13 L 276.74 341.11 L 275.89 338.38 L 275.88 335.81 L 278 333.99 L 277.94 331.65 L 279.54 328.93 L 279.55 326.35 L 278.82 325.84 L 277.53 321.02 L 279.26 318.15 L 278.99 315.45 L 279.99 312.91 L 281.83 310.3 L 283.81 308.56 L 282.97 307.46 L 283.56 306.56 L 283.47 301.92 L 286.52 300.54 L 287.48 297.64 L 287.14 296.94 L 289.48 294.42 L 293.1 295.09 Z "></path>
  <path id="AT" class="land" fill="#1758A8" stroke="rgba(255, 255, 255, .5)" stroke-width="0.5" aria-label="Austria" role="menuitem" cs="100,100" d=" M 522.86 99.34 L 522.65 100.49 L 521.07 100.49 L 521.61 101.09 L 520.68 102.9 L 520.15 103.37 L 517.7 103.44 L 516.28 104.07 L 513.96 103.86 L 509.95 103.14 L 509.33 102.16 L 506.56 102.65 L 506.23 103.18 L 504.53 102.78 L 503.1 102.7 L 501.83 102.2 L 502.26 101.51 L 502.15 101.01 L 503 100.86 L 504.42 101.64 L 504.82 100.9 L 507.29 101.02 L 509.3 100.52 L 510.64 100.6 L 511.51 101.18 L 511.78 100.7 L 511.38 98.88 L 512.39 98.52 L 513.37 97.23 L 515.46 98.14 L 517.03 96.99 L 518.02 96.78 L 520.2 97.64 L 521.51 97.49 L 522.81 98.02 L 522.58 98.38 Z "></path>
  <path id="AU" class="land" fill="#1758A8" stroke="rgba(255, 255, 255, .5)" stroke-width="0.5" aria-label="Australia" role="menuitem" cs="100,100" d=" M 882.93 347.37 L 885.64 348.34 L 887.17 347.95 L 889.36 347.41 L 891.04 347.6 L 891.24 350.93 L 890.28 351.89 L 889.99 354.14 L 889.01 353.37 L 887.06 355.32 L 886.48 355.17 L 884.76 355.08 L 883.03 352.68 L 882.65 350.83 L 881.03 348.4 L 881.1 347.11 L 882.93 347.37 Z  M 877.78 271.91 L 878.79 274.09 L 880.59 273.05 L 881.52 274.23 L 882.87 275.32 L 882.58 276.56 L 883.18 278.94 L 883.61 280.34 L 884.32 280.67 L 885.08 283.06 L 884.81 284.5 L 885.72 286.39 L 888.76 287.85 L 890.74 289.17 L 892.62 290.39 L 892.25 291.06 L 893.85 292.81 L 894.94 295.83 L 896.06 295.22 L 897.2 296.43 L 897.89 296 L 898.37 298.96 L 900.36 300.68 L 901.66 301.74 L 903.85 304 L 904.64 306.25 L 904.71 307.84 L 904.52 309.57 L 905.86 311.94 L 905.7 314.41 L 905.21 315.71 L 904.45 318.2 L 904.51 319.8 L 903.96 321.8 L 902.72 324.35 L 900.64 325.72 L 899.62 327.88 L 898.68 329.27 L 897.85 331.68 L 896.77 333.07 L 896.06 335.16 L 895.7 337.09 L 895.84 337.97 L 894.23 338.94 L 891.09 339.04 L 888.5 340.19 L 887.21 341.27 L 885.52 342.47 L 883.2 341.24 L 881.48 340.74 L 881.92 339.29 L 880.39 339.82 L 877.93 341.84 L 875.51 341.08 L 873.92 340.64 L 872.32 340.44 L 869.61 339.63 L 867.8 337.91 L 867.28 335.78 L 866.63 334.37 L 865.25 333.24 L 862.55 332.9 L 863.47 331.55 L 862.79 329.47 L 861.42 331.41 L 858.92 331.92 L 860.39 330.38 L 860.81 328.77 L 861.89 327.4 L 861.67 325.33 L 859.39 327.72 L 857.64 328.67 L 856.57 330.89 L 854.38 329.74 L 854.47 328.26 L 852.72 326.23 L 851.24 325.18 L 851.77 324.53 L 848.17 322.84 L 846.2 322.76 L 843.5 321.4 L 838.48 321.67 L 834.85 322.67 L 831.66 323.6 L 828.98 323.42 L 826.01 324.85 L 823.58 325.5 L 823.04 326.96 L 822 328.1 L 819.62 328.16 L 817.86 328.41 L 815.38 327.91 L 813.36 328.21 L 811.44 328.34 L 809.77 329.83 L 808.95 329.7 L 807.54 330.5 L 806.19 331.38 L 804.14 331.28 L 802.26 331.28 L 799.29 329.49 L 797.78 328.96 L 797.84 327.36 L 799.23 326.97 L 799.71 326.34 L 799.61 325.33 L 799.95 323.39 L 799.64 321.73 L 798.16 318.91 L 797.7 317.32 L 797.82 315.72 L 796.7 313.91 L 796.63 313.09 L 795.39 311.98 L 795.04 309.79 L 793.44 307.58 L 793.05 306.39 L 794.28 307.6 L 793.33 305.01 L 794.72 305.82 L 795.55 306.9 L 795.5 305.47 L 794.11 303.27 L 793.84 302.39 L 793.19 301.55 L 793.49 299.93 L 794.06 299.25 L 794.44 297.85 L 794.14 296.22 L 795.3 294.21 L 795.51 296.33 L 796.69 294.41 L 798.97 293.48 L 800.34 292.29 L 802.48 291.26 L 803.75 291.04 L 804.52 291.39 L 806.73 290.35 L 808.43 290.04 L 808.85 289.43 L 809.59 289.17 L 811.14 289.24 L 814.09 288.42 L 815.61 287.19 L 816.33 285.69 L 817.97 284.28 L 818.1 283.16 L 818.17 281.65 L 820.13 279.28 L 821.31 281.68 L 822.5 281.13 L 821.5 279.81 L 822.38 278.46 L 823.62 279.06 L 823.96 276.93 L 825.49 275.56 L 826.17 274.46 L 827.58 273.99 L 827.62 273.21 L 828.85 273.54 L 828.9 272.84 L 830.13 272.45 L 831.49 272.07 L 833.56 273.35 L 835.12 275 L 836.87 275.02 L 838.65 275.28 L 838.06 273.76 L 839.4 271.52 L 840.66 270.79 L 840.22 270.1 L 841.44 268.51 L 843.14 267.53 L 844.57 267.86 L 846.93 267.33 L 846.88 265.91 L 844.83 264.99 L 846.32 264.59 L 848.18 265.27 L 849.67 266.42 L 852.03 267.13 L 852.83 266.85 L 854.57 267.71 L 856.21 266.91 L 857.26 267.15 L 857.92 266.62 L 859.21 267.99 L 858.46 269.49 L 857.4 270.62 L 856.44 270.72 L 856.77 271.83 L 855.95 273.22 L 854.95 274.59 L 855.15 275.37 L 857.38 276.92 L 859.54 277.81 L 860.98 278.77 L 863.01 280.42 L 863.8 280.42 L 865.27 281.14 L 865.7 282 L 868.38 282.94 L 870.23 281.99 L 870.78 280.49 L 871.35 279.25 L 871.7 277.72 L 872.55 275.51 L 872.16 274.16 L 872.36 273.35 L 872.04 271.76 L 872.41 269.65 L 872.95 269.09 L 872.51 268.16 L 873.19 266.68 L 873.72 265.16 L 873.79 264.36 L 874.83 263.32 L 875.62 264.68 L 875.81 266.43 L 876.51 266.76 L 876.63 267.94 L 877.65 269.35 L 877.86 270.93 L 877.78 271.91 Z "></path>
  <path id="AZ" class="land" fill="#1758A8" stroke="rgba(255, 255, 255, .5)" stroke-width="0.5" aria-label="Azerbaijan" role="menuitem" cs="100,100" d=" M 601.43 122.77 L 602.26 123.52 L 603.5 123.51 L 603.49 123.94 L 604.63 125.56 L 602.71 125.19 L 601.29 123.9 L 600.85 122.84 L 601.43 122.77 Z  M 608.08 118.64 L 609.32 118.83 L 609.8 118.11 L 611.47 116.99 L 612.94 118.46 L 614.37 120.44 L 615.68 120.57 L 616.54 121.32 L 614.23 121.54 L 613.74 123.71 L 613.26 124.69 L 612.23 125.34 L 612.31 126.73 L 611.61 126.87 L 609.86 125.4 L 610.83 124.02 L 610 123.2 L 608.95 123.41 L 605.64 125.47 L 605.58 123.53 L 604.32 123.08 L 603.13 122.32 L 603.92 121.43 L 602.43 120.47 L 602.99 119.77 L 601.92 119.29 L 601.34 118.56 L 602.03 118.1 L 604.12 118.9 L 605.63 119.07 L 606.01 118.75 L 604.63 117.23 L 605.36 116.84 L 606.15 116.94 L 608.08 118.64 Z "></path>
  <path id="BA" class="land" fill="#1758A8" stroke="rgba(255, 255, 255, .5)" stroke-width="0.5" aria-label="Bosnia and Herzegovina" role="menuitem" cs="100,100" d=" M 528.54 108.47 L 529.56 108.46 L 528.86 109.69 L 530.21 110.76 L 529.8 112.07 L 529.14 112.2 L 528.61 112.46 L 527.7 113.11 L 527.29 114.64 L 524.81 113.59 L 523.75 112.42 L 522.68 111.8 L 521.39 110.75 L 520.79 109.89 L 519.41 108.58 L 520 107.42 L 521.01 108.06 L 521.61 107.49 L 522.92 107.42 L 525.33 107.89 L 527.27 107.85 Z "></path>
  <path id="BD" class="land" fill="rgba(23, 88, 168, .5)" stroke="rgba(255, 255, 255, .5)" stroke-width="0.5" aria-label="Bangladesh" role="menuitem" cs="100,100" d=" M 735.09 172.17 L 735.04 174.16 L 734.06 173.74 L 734.24 175.98 L 733.44 174.53 L 733.28 173.11 L 732.74 171.77 L 731.57 170.14 L 728.99 170.03 L 729.25 171.18 L 728.37 172.73 L 727.17 172.17 L 726.76 172.68 L 725.97 172.37 L 724.89 172.12 L 724.45 169.83 L 723.48 167.73 L 723.95 166.05 L 722.23 165.3 L 722.85 164.29 L 724.6 163.24 L 722.58 161.77 L 723.57 159.88 L 725.79 161.08 L 727.13 161.22 L 727.38 163.16 L 730.04 163.54 L 732.65 163.5 L 734.26 163.98 L 732.97 166.33 L 731.71 166.5 L 730.85 168.08 L 732.38 169.53 L 732.84 167.75 L 733.62 167.74 Z "></path>
  <path id="BE" class="land" fill="#1758A8" stroke="rgba(255, 255, 255, .5)" stroke-width="0.5" aria-label="Belgium" role="menuitem" cs="100,100" d=" M 484.55 90.33 L 486.6 90.55 L 489.2 89.97 L 490.97 91.19 L 492.52 91.85 L 492.2 93.74 L 491.47 93.84 L 491.16 95.41 L 488.71 94.14 L 487.27 94.36 L 485.31 93.04 L 484.01 91.91 L 482.71 91.87 L 482.3 90.88 Z "></path>
  <path id="BF" class="land" fill="rgba(23, 88, 168, .5)" stroke="rgba(255, 255, 255, .5)" stroke-width="0.5" aria-label="Burkina Faso" role="menuitem" cs="100,100" d=" M 467.33 206.71 L 465.41 205.99 L 464.09 206.1 L 463.11 206.8 L 461.85 206.21 L 461.36 205.29 L 460.1 204.68 L 459.91 203.07 L 460.68 201.88 L 460.61 200.94 L 462.84 198.63 L 463.25 196.72 L 464.02 196.04 L 465.38 196.41 L 466.55 195.85 L 466.93 195.13 L 469.11 193.89 L 469.64 193.02 L 472.26 191.86 L 473.81 191.46 L 474.51 191.99 L 476.3 191.98 L 476.08 193.34 L 476.46 194.6 L 478.04 196.42 L 478.12 197.77 L 481.36 198.4 L 481.29 200.3 L 480.68 201.15 L 479.31 201.4 L 478.74 202.62 L 477.78 202.93 L 475.32 202.87 L 474.02 202.66 L 473.12 203.11 L 471.88 202.9 L 467.01 203.03 L 466.94 204.61 Z "></path>
  <path id="BG" class="land" fill="#1758A8" stroke="rgba(255, 255, 255, .5)" stroke-width="0.5" aria-label="Bulgaria" role="menuitem" cs="100,100" d=" M 538.78 110.21 L 539.59 111.37 L 540.67 111.16 L 542.83 111.6 L 546.95 111.74 L 548.34 111.03 L 551.64 110.38 L 553.68 111.39 L 555.33 111.69 L 553.87 112.84 L 552.85 114.84 L 553.75 116.44 L 551.34 116.06 L 548.48 116.94 L 548.45 118.33 L 545.9 118.6 L 543.93 117.62 L 541.68 118.39 L 539.61 118.31 L 539.41 116.46 L 538 115.57 L 538.47 115.17 L 538.16 114.84 L 538.63 113.95 L 539.7 113.08 L 538.34 111.87 L 538.09 110.85 Z "></path>
  <path id="BI" class="land" fill="rgba(23, 88, 168, .5)" stroke="rgba(255, 255, 255, .5)" stroke-width="0.5" aria-label="Burundi" role="menuitem" cs="100,100" d=" M 557.52 246.1 L 557.34 242.73 L 556.63 241.48 L 558.34 241.7 L 559.2 240.11 L 560.69 240.29 L 560.85 241.39 L 561.45 242.02 L 561.48 242.92 L 560.79 243.5 L 559.69 244.96 L 558.68 245.97 Z "></path>
  <path id="BJ" class="land" fill="rgba(23, 88, 168, .5)" stroke="rgba(255, 255, 255, .5)" stroke-width="0.5" aria-label="Benin" role="menuitem" cs="100,100" d=" M 482.8 216.13 L 480.48 216.46 L 479.79 214.54 L 479.92 208.14 L 479.35 207.57 L 479.25 206.2 L 478.27 205.22 L 477.42 204.4 L 477.78 202.93 L 478.74 202.62 L 479.31 201.4 L 480.68 201.15 L 481.29 200.3 L 482.23 199.49 L 483.24 199.48 L 485.38 201.09 L 485.27 202.02 L 485.9 203.67 L 485.35 204.79 L 485.64 205.54 L 484.28 207.26 L 483.42 208.12 L 482.89 209.87 L 482.96 211.64 Z "></path>
  <path id="BN" class="land" fill="#1758A8" stroke="rgba(255, 255, 255, .5)" stroke-width="0.5" aria-label="Brunei Darussalam" role="menuitem" cs="100,100" d=" M 795.46 220.96 L 796.57 219.92 L 798.96 218.39 L 798.83 219.77 L 798.67 221.54 L 797.33 221.45 L 796.74 222.4 Z "></path>
  <path id="BO" class="land" fill="#1758A8" stroke="rgba(255, 255, 255, .5)" stroke-width="0.5" aria-label="Bolivia" role="menuitem" cs="100,100" d=" M 299.04 294.98 L 295.84 294.86 L 294.75 297.1 L 293.1 295.09 L 289.43 294.41 L 287.1 296.93 L 285.07 297.31 L 283.97 293.46 L 282.47 290.34 L 283.35 287.64 L 281.88 286.46 L 281.51 284.45 L 280.13 282.54 L 281.9 279.54 L 280.69 277.19 L 281.34 276.26 L 280.83 275.23 L 281.93 273.83 L 281.99 271.46 L 282.12 269.5 L 282.73 268.56 L 280.3 264.08 L 282.39 264.31 L 283.83 264.24 L 284.46 263.41 L 286.91 262.28 L 288.38 261.23 L 292.05 260.76 L 291.76 262.85 L 292.1 263.92 L 291.87 265.78 L 294.92 268.28 L 298.06 268.74 L 299.16 269.78 L 301.06 270.34 L 302.22 271.14 L 303.98 271.11 L 305.61 271.94 L 305.73 273.55 L 306.28 274.37 L 306.32 275.57 L 305.5 275.61 L 306.58 278.86 L 311.95 278.97 L 311.54 280.58 L 311.84 281.68 L 313.37 282.47 L 314.04 284.2 L 313.54 286.4 L 312.77 287.62 L 313.04 289.21 L 312.16 289.79 L 312.12 288.93 L 309.5 287.51 L 306.9 287.46 L 302.01 288.27 L 300.67 290.73 L 300.6 292.23 L 299.49 295.57 Z "></path>
  <path id="BR" class="land" fill="#1758A8" stroke="rgba(255, 255, 255, .5)" stroke-width="0.5" aria-label="Brazil" role="menuitem" cs="100,100" d=" M 313.68 317.81 L 317.42 314 L 320.59 311.29 L 322.47 310.16 L 324.83 308.62 L 324.89 306.39 L 323.48 304.77 L 322.09 305.3 L 322.64 303.7 L 323.02 302.04 L 323.02 300.51 L 322.01 300.01 L 320.96 300.46 L 319.92 300.34 L 319.59 299.26 L 319.33 296.71 L 318.8 295.87 L 316.91 295.12 L 315.77 295.66 L 312.81 295.12 L 312.99 291.34 L 312.16 289.79 L 313.04 289.21 L 312.77 287.62 L 313.54 286.4 L 314.04 284.2 L 313.37 282.47 L 311.84 281.68 L 311.54 280.58 L 311.95 278.97 L 306.58 278.86 L 305.5 275.61 L 306.32 275.57 L 306.28 274.37 L 305.73 273.55 L 305.61 271.94 L 303.98 271.11 L 302.22 271.14 L 301.06 270.34 L 299.16 269.78 L 298.06 268.74 L 294.92 268.28 L 291.87 265.78 L 292.1 263.92 L 291.76 262.85 L 292.05 260.76 L 288.38 261.23 L 286.91 262.28 L 284.46 263.41 L 283.83 264.24 L 282.39 264.31 L 280.3 264.08 L 278.72 264.56 L 277.44 264.23 L 277.63 260 L 275.33 261.64 L 272.86 261.57 L 271.8 260.08 L 269.94 259.92 L 270.53 258.73 L 268.97 257.03 L 267.8 254.52 L 268.54 254.01 L 268.54 252.83 L 270.24 252.03 L 269.96 250.53 L 270.67 249.55 L 270.88 248.26 L 274.08 246.36 L 276.38 245.83 L 276.75 245.41 L 279.28 245.54 L 280.54 237.9 L 280.61 236.69 L 280.17 235.1 L 278.93 234.08 L 278.94 232.06 L 280.52 231.6 L 281.08 231.89 L 281.17 230.82 L 279.53 230.53 L 279.5 228.79 L 284.96 228.85 L 285.89 227.89 L 286.67 228.77 L 287.21 230.42 L 287.74 230.07 L 289.29 231.55 L 291.47 231.37 L 292.01 230.51 L 294.09 229.86 L 295.25 229.41 L 295.57 228.23 L 297.58 227.43 L 297.42 226.85 L 295.05 226.61 L 294.66 224.85 L 294.77 222.99 L 293.52 222.27 L 294.04 222.01 L 296.12 222.37 L 298.35 223.07 L 299.16 222.41 L 301.17 221.97 L 304.31 220.93 L 305.34 219.87 L 304.96 219.08 L 306.42 218.96 L 307.08 219.6 L 306.71 220.82 L 307.67 221.24 L 308.32 222.54 L 307.54 223.52 L 307.09 225.89 L 307.81 227.3 L 308.01 228.59 L 309.74 229.89 L 311.12 230.03 L 311.43 229.49 L 312.31 229.37 L 313.58 228.88 L 314.49 228.14 L 316.04 228.37 L 316.72 228.27 L 318.25 228.5 L 318.5 227.93 L 318.03 227.38 L 318.31 226.57 L 319.44 226.82 L 320.77 226.53 L 322.37 227.12 L 323.6 227.7 L 324.47 226.94 L 325.09 227.06 L 325.48 227.85 L 326.82 227.65 L 327.89 226.59 L 328.75 224.53 L 330.41 221.99 L 331.37 221.86 L 332.06 223.4 L 333.63 228.27 L 335.13 228.73 L 335.21 230.65 L 333.1 232.94 L 333.97 233.78 L 338.93 234.22 L 339.03 237.01 L 341.16 235.18 L 344.69 236.19 L 349.34 237.89 L 350.71 239.52 L 350.25 241.06 L 353.51 240.2 L 358.97 241.68 L 363.16 241.57 L 367.3 243.87 L 370.88 246.99 L 373.04 247.79 L 375.44 247.91 L 376.46 248.79 L 377.41 252.34 L 377.88 254.01 L 376.76 258.63 L 375.33 260.44 L 371.38 264.32 L 369.59 267.47 L 367.52 269.89 L 366.82 269.95 L 366.03 271.99 L 366.23 277.21 L 365.45 281.51 L 365.15 283.35 L 364.27 284.45 L 363.77 288.18 L 360.93 291.82 L 360.45 294.7 L 358.18 295.91 L 357.52 297.58 L 354.48 297.57 L 350.07 298.65 L 348.09 299.89 L 344.95 300.7 L 341.65 302.93 L 339.28 305.69 L 338.87 307.77 L 339.34 309.32 L 338.81 312.14 L 338.18 313.5 L 336.22 315.04 L 333.11 319.95 L 330.64 322.17 L 328.73 323.48 L 327.46 326.14 L 325.6 327.73 L 324.82 326.15 L 326.06 324.83 L 324.44 322.92 L 322.24 321.37 L 319.35 319.59 L 318.31 319.67 L 315.5 317.51 Z "></path>
  <path id="BS" class="land" fill="#1758A8" stroke="rgba(255, 255, 255, .5)" stroke-width="0.5" aria-label="Bahamas" role="menuitem" cs="100,100" d=" M 257.86 167.37 L 257.17 167.5 L 256.46 165.9 L 255.41 165.09 L 256.02 163.32 L 256.86 163.43 L 257.84 165.74 L 257.86 167.37 Z  M 257.06 159.5 L 254 159.95 L 253.8 158.92 L 255.12 158.7 L 256.97 158.78 L 257.06 159.5 Z  M 259.36 159.48 L 258.88 161.46 L 258.36 161.1 L 258.41 159.64 L 257.15 158.54 L 257.14 158.22 L 259.36 159.48 Z "></path>
  <path id="BT" class="land" fill="rgba(23, 88, 168, .5)" stroke="rgba(255, 255, 255, .5)" stroke-width="0.5" aria-label="Bhutan" role="menuitem" cs="100,100" d=" M 732.36 156.18 L 733.5 157.07 L 733.3 158.79 L 731.01 158.87 L 728.65 158.68 L 726.88 159.12 L 724.33 158.06 L 724.28 157.5 L 726.13 155.42 L 727.64 154.72 L 729.65 155.36 L 731.13 155.43 Z "></path>
  <path id="BW" class="land" fill="#1758A8" stroke="rgba(255, 255, 255, .5)" stroke-width="0.5" aria-label="Botswana" role="menuitem" cs="100,100" d=" M 547.17 285.22 L 547.73 285.71 L 548.62 287.33 L 551.79 290.39 L 552.99 290.69 L 553 291.67 L 553.82 293.44 L 555.99 293.87 L 557.78 295.13 L 553.81 297.19 L 551.29 299.27 L 550.36 301.12 L 549.52 302.17 L 547.99 302.4 L 547.5 303.73 L 547.21 304.6 L 545.42 305.25 L 543.14 305.12 L 541.8 304.34 L 540.62 303.99 L 539.25 304.65 L 538.56 305.98 L 537.23 306.82 L 535.83 308.06 L 533.82 308.35 L 533.2 307.37 L 533.46 305.67 L 531.79 303.02 L 531.04 302.6 L 531.04 294.46 L 533.8 294.35 L 533.88 284.42 L 535.97 284.33 L 540.29 283.35 L 541.37 284.5 L 543.15 283.41 L 544.01 283.4 L 545.59 282.77 L 546.09 282.98 Z "></path>
  <path id="BY" class="land" fill="#1758A8" stroke="rgba(255, 255, 255, .5)" stroke-width="0.5" aria-label="Belarus" role="menuitem" cs="100,100" d=" M 541.1 83.15 L 543.81 83.17 L 546.85 82.12 L 547.5 80.54 L 549.8 79.64 L 549.54 78.39 L 551.24 77.92 L 554.26 76.84 L 557.21 77.54 L 557.61 78.23 L 559.08 77.9 L 561.82 78.56 L 562.09 79.88 L 561.49 80.64 L 563.25 82.47 L 564.39 82.98 L 564.22 83.48 L 566.11 83.98 L 566.92 84.72 L 565.83 85.33 L 563.57 85.23 L 563.03 85.5 L 563.69 86.43 L 564.38 88.21 L 561.97 88.38 L 561.11 89 L 560.92 90.4 L 559.81 90.13 L 557.28 90.27 L 556.54 89.62 L 555.49 90.1 L 554.44 89.7 L 552.23 89.64 L 549.1 88.97 L 546.27 88.75 L 544.1 88.81 L 542.56 89.57 L 541.22 89.68 L 541.17 88.44 L 540.3 87.14 L 541.98 86.57 L 542 85.45 L 541.22 84.39 Z "></path>
  <path id="BZ" class="land" fill="rgba(23, 88, 168, .5)" stroke="rgba(255, 255, 255, .5)" stroke-width="0.5" aria-label="Belize" role="menuitem" cs="100,100" d=" M 225.31 183.96 L 225.29 183.55 L 225.63 183.42 L 226.14 183.75 L 227.14 182.07 L 227.67 182.03 L 227.68 182.44 L 228.21 182.45 L 228.17 183.21 L 227.71 184.42 L 227.96 184.85 L 227.67 185.85 L 227.84 186.11 L 227.52 187.52 L 226.97 188.26 L 226.46 188.35 L 225.9 189.31 L 225.07 189.31 L 225.29 186.17 Z "></path>
  <path id="CA" class="land" fill="#1758A8" stroke="rgba(255, 255, 255, .5)" stroke-width="0.5" aria-label="Canada" role="menuitem" cs="100,100" d=" M 198.93 14.48 L 198.71 13.32 L 202.34 13.44 L 203.97 13.62 L 207.32 14.59 L 206.56 15.6 L 202.41 16.18 L 200.13 15.53 L 198.93 14.48 Z  M 212.14 17.1 L 212.47 16.78 L 210.5 16.26 L 204.85 16.22 L 205.6 17.01 L 210.85 17.18 L 212.14 17.1 Z  M 248.49 28.81 L 251.57 30.29 L 252.38 30.46 L 255.45 30.08 L 258.47 30.14 L 261.45 30.22 L 261.2 29.45 L 256.36 27.92 L 249.94 27.61 L 248.59 27.8 L 248.49 28.81 Z  M 183.06 13.87 L 180.35 14.7 L 186.59 14.8 L 191.2 15.71 L 195.78 16.02 L 194.69 14.85 L 192.55 13.52 L 184.97 12.51 L 179.47 12.13 L 179.67 13.2 L 183.06 13.87 Z  M 208.96 11.92 L 214.09 11.9 L 211.87 12.65 L 211.83 13.66 L 214.84 14.8 L 220.65 15.16 L 225.61 14.96 L 230.79 12.86 L 234.64 12.02 L 231.26 11.12 L 229.05 9.28 L 224.45 8.75 L 219.73 8.15 L 216.15 6.66 L 209.63 6.8 L 210.86 7.44 L 207.99 7.64 L 206.05 8.49 L 204.11 9.73 L 205.89 11 L 208.96 11.92 Z  M 145.21 23.52 L 149.13 24.02 L 161.8 23.69 L 155.98 24.93 L 156.34 25.84 L 160.6 25.77 L 167.67 24.56 L 177.17 24.13 L 178.88 22.8 L 178.39 21.43 L 175.45 21.31 L 172.95 21.78 L 171.85 20.79 L 170.9 19.45 L 168 19.13 L 165.43 20.15 L 169.44 22.82 L 164.54 22.61 L 159.56 20.95 L 151.67 20.01 L 149.03 20.79 L 145.21 23.52 Z  M 167.77 14.08 L 164.12 13.51 L 162.62 13.39 L 159.74 14.22 L 159.69 14.62 L 164.35 14.62 L 167.77 14.08 Z  M 166.31 16.61 L 167.24 15.77 L 163.29 15.33 L 159.2 15.62 L 156.93 16.51 L 161.09 17.41 L 166.31 16.61 Z  M 195.4 24.43 L 200.02 24.14 L 201.3 22.07 L 201.21 20.63 L 199.07 19.34 L 198.85 19.7 L 194.91 19.54 L 190.69 20.5 L 187.67 20.41 L 187.85 22.57 L 192.45 22.35 L 192.39 23.98 L 195.4 24.43 Z  M 192.12 38.07 L 187.06 36.74 L 182.35 35.35 L 181.48 33.38 L 179.72 30.66 L 176.58 29.53 L 173.79 29.08 L 171.32 29.49 L 173.31 32.36 L 171.9 33.52 L 169.61 30.77 L 167.05 29.85 L 163.88 31.28 L 159.98 29.86 L 153.74 30.71 L 155.14 29.4 L 152.27 28.86 L 144.76 30.56 L 142.81 31.68 L 140.46 33.77 L 145.36 34.51 L 149.69 34.47 L 143.19 35.59 L 144.67 36.62 L 148.65 36.68 L 154.64 36.46 L 160.06 37.11 L 156.4 37.6 L 152.45 37.47 L 148.12 37.95 L 146.25 38.25 L 149.7 40.46 L 152.19 40.15 L 156.02 40.91 L 157.54 42.23 L 162.53 41.97 L 169.63 41.55 L 174.89 40.6 L 178.15 40.43 L 182.97 41.18 L 188.04 41.62 L 188.98 40.6 L 187.19 39.52 L 191.79 39.3 L 192.12 38.07 Z  M 199.86 37.73 L 197.9 38.95 L 195.43 39.81 L 199.26 41.07 L 201.54 40.77 L 205.32 41.62 L 207.06 40.64 L 205.35 39.57 L 204.51 39.03 L 202.83 38.53 L 199.86 37.73 Z  M 182.25 28.56 L 180.12 27.95 L 176.36 28.06 L 175.41 28.45 L 179.78 30.41 L 182.25 28.56 Z  M 210.94 32.47 L 213.95 30.38 L 217.29 29.83 L 221.48 27.34 L 216.12 26.66 L 210.28 26.56 L 207.5 27.32 L 206.03 28.51 L 205.99 29.9 L 207.74 32.36 L 210.94 32.47 Z  M 228.09 25.85 L 233.85 25.8 L 241.89 25.37 L 245.48 25.71 L 249.66 25.11 L 251.41 24.36 L 250.78 23.21 L 247.78 22.15 L 243.22 21.96 L 237.51 22.19 L 233.05 22.8 L 228.96 22.57 L 225.18 22.44 L 223.4 21.78 L 220.18 21.15 L 220.82 20.1 L 218.4 19.18 L 212.88 19.18 L 209.77 18.29 L 203.99 18.11 L 202.93 19.26 L 206.18 20.12 L 211.98 20.46 L 214.79 21.68 L 215.13 23.07 L 216.1 24.6 L 223.55 25.5 L 228.09 25.85 Z  M 139.07 21.2 L 144.28 20.01 L 146.9 19.87 L 149.06 18.9 L 149.44 16.75 L 145.59 17.16 L 141.29 17.12 L 135.53 18.93 L 130.77 21.02 L 134.57 21.63 L 139.07 21.2 Z  M 211.25 25.29 L 212.78 24.2 L 211.76 23.32 L 209.31 22.34 L 205.28 23.09 L 203.79 24.35 L 207.19 25.08 L 211.25 25.29 Z  M 202.94 28.43 L 202.21 27.61 L 197.21 27.97 L 193.87 27.38 L 190.55 28.73 L 193.64 30.56 L 187.92 30.21 L 187.86 31.11 L 194.83 33.27 L 196.77 34.34 L 199.47 34.57 L 204.07 33.49 L 204.57 30.97 L 200.33 29.77 L 202.94 28.43 Z  M 128.95 98.26 L 127.79 96.72 L 124.99 95.57 L 123.6 94.24 L 122.65 93.28 L 120.01 92.98 L 118.29 92.56 L 115.35 91.95 L 115.11 92.6 L 116.19 94.12 L 119.08 94.62 L 119.58 95.42 L 122.09 96.39 L 122.93 97.38 L 127.53 98.66 L 128.95 98.26 Z  M 250.65 55.69 L 248.65 54.76 L 246.59 54.98 L 246.34 53.65 L 243.13 52.78 L 240.06 51.82 L 238.43 51.08 L 237 51.51 L 236.48 50.28 L 234.45 50.06 L 233.49 52.62 L 233.13 54.82 L 230.69 56.21 L 234.49 55.94 L 235.45 57.58 L 239.44 56.13 L 242.22 54.64 L 243.79 55.9 L 248.15 56.57 L 250.65 55.69 Z  M 130.12 35.61 L 137.5 34.26 L 137.5 33.04 L 140.98 31.08 L 147.86 29.11 L 151.38 28.41 L 148.37 27.23 L 145.65 26.42 L 138.49 26.27 L 134.49 25.69 L 125.01 26.12 L 127.75 27.84 L 125.32 29.68 L 123.38 31.72 L 122.18 32.91 L 128.65 34.38 L 130.12 35.61 Z  M 264.36 45.28 L 264.68 44.9 L 264.65 43.7 L 262.46 42.93 L 259.89 43.32 L 258.7 44.89 L 259.4 46.26 L 262.54 46.12 L 264.36 45.28 Z  M 288.18 48.24 L 292.59 50.93 L 296.04 52.12 L 300.96 48.87 L 301.83 46.91 L 297.42 46.73 L 293.39 44.15 L 288.94 43.54 L 282.34 41.71 L 287.49 40.41 L 284.84 37.79 L 282.4 36.66 L 275.63 35.56 L 272.71 33.78 L 267.5 34.41 L 267.14 33.19 L 263.28 31.86 L 257.06 30.44 L 254.41 31.55 L 248.86 32.37 L 249.28 30.54 L 244.47 27.64 L 237.36 28.79 L 234.77 31.04 L 232.56 29.3 L 234.62 27.49 L 227.38 28.24 L 224.5 29.38 L 222.35 31.88 L 223.24 34.71 L 227.22 34.73 L 224.29 36 L 226.62 36.98 L 231.17 37.4 L 237.1 38.23 L 247.3 38.85 L 252.38 38.49 L 253.88 37.67 L 256.09 38.62 L 258.56 38.78 L 261.53 40.52 L 259.73 41.23 L 265.41 42.18 L 269.7 43.54 L 270.78 44.5 L 271.55 45.73 L 267.92 48.46 L 266.94 49.86 L 267.88 50.86 L 262.11 51.21 L 256.84 51.26 L 254.99 53.32 L 257.36 54.29 L 265.47 53.84 L 265.43 53.03 L 269.51 54.39 L 273.69 55.83 L 272.71 56.62 L 276.11 57.98 L 282.13 59.6 L 289.73 60.72 L 289.27 59.74 L 286.35 58.05 L 282.39 55.64 L 289.42 57.88 L 292.96 58.64 L 293.93 56.63 L 292.11 53.86 L 290.95 53.11 L 287.14 51.83 L 284.19 50.2 L 284.54 48.6 L 288.18 48.24 Z  M 222.35 6.65 L 224.69 7.78 L 229.65 8.73 L 239.46 8.55 L 245.77 8.88 L 241.39 9.89 L 239.18 9.59 L 231.52 9.47 L 232.71 10.91 L 236.67 12 L 235.87 12.97 L 230.9 13.64 L 228.63 14.72 L 233.18 15.26 L 237 17.05 L 229.5 15.84 L 227.79 16.04 L 229.17 18.06 L 223.99 18.69 L 224.34 20.03 L 229.64 20.18 L 233.81 20.51 L 242.05 20.08 L 249.38 20.85 L 256.87 19.18 L 256.81 18.5 L 252.02 18.6 L 251.63 17.97 L 255.55 17.13 L 256.88 16.04 L 261.21 15.25 L 263.87 14.29 L 261.55 12.91 L 263.49 12.42 L 259.63 12.06 L 268.12 11.77 L 269.91 11.19 L 275.69 10.73 L 280.49 8.45 L 285.06 7.66 L 291.68 5.97 L 285.58 5.98 L 288.12 5.36 L 294.9 4.79 L 301.74 3.58 L 301.86 2.84 L 296.73 2.08 L 290.71 1.72 L 283.22 1.51 L 277.15 1.33 L 271.08 1.15 L 262.98 1.62 L 261.49 1.32 L 252.92 1.44 L 247.89 1.75 L 244.19 2.19 L 242.06 3.7 L 239 2.92 L 235.52 2.77 L 231.4 3.81 L 225.9 4.26 L 222.63 4.35 L 218.46 4.89 L 219.07 5.84 L 222.35 6.65 Z  M 296.75 103.74 L 295.77 102.38 L 294.71 103.25 L 295.41 104.18 L 298.97 105.36 L 300.01 105.18 L 301.39 104.04 L 298.79 104.11 L 296.75 103.74 Z  M 239.75 59.26 L 240.36 60.01 L 242.34 60.08 L 245.62 58.53 L 245.68 57.99 L 241.83 57.96 L 239.75 59.26 Z  M 301.88 96.09 L 299.01 94.92 L 295.32 94.21 L 294.35 94.45 L 296.96 95.77 L 300.59 96.65 L 301.95 96.6 L 301.88 96.09 Z  M 326.76 99.25 L 326.4 97.76 L 324.44 98.24 L 325.31 96.19 L 322.51 95.33 L 321.22 96.02 L 318.73 95.25 L 319.71 94.27 L 317.83 93.67 L 316 94.62 L 317.86 92.18 L 319.36 90.41 L 319.9 89.65 L 318.6 89.53 L 316.17 90.5 L 314.43 92.09 L 311.53 96.54 L 309.18 98.23 L 310.4 98.99 L 308.65 99.97 L 309.08 100.8 L 314.52 100.88 L 317.53 100.72 L 320.22 101.4 L 318.24 102.71 L 319.91 102.81 L 323.16 100.38 L 323.94 100.74 L 323.33 103.03 L 325.17 103.55 L 326.44 103.45 L 327.62 100.99 L 326.76 99.25 Z  M 305.57 102.46 L 302.76 105.6 L 298.13 106.01 L 294.49 104.61 L 293.57 102.5 L 292.68 99.49 L 295.33 97.61 L 292.85 96.24 L 288.66 96.52 L 282.78 98.85 L 278.28 102.52 L 275.9 102.98 L 279.13 100.4 L 283.17 96.7 L 286.74 95.46 L 289.09 93.46 L 291.99 93.27 L 296.2 93.28 L 302.2 93.87 L 306.94 93.42 L 310.47 91.12 L 315.09 90.13 L 317.1 89.15 L 319.14 88.09 L 318.94 84.95 L 317.81 83.89 L 315.63 83.52 L 314.52 81.15 L 312.72 80.26 L 308.25 79.54 L 305.73 77.94 L 302 76.36 L 303.13 74.6 L 300.03 71.24 L 296.38 67.68 L 294.2 65.18 L 292.34 66.48 L 289.66 69.56 L 285.6 71.12 L 283.57 69.47 L 281.01 69.03 L 280.08 65.49 L 280.16 63.14 L 275.16 62.93 L 274.31 61.84 L 270.86 60.21 L 268.25 59.26 L 265.93 60 L 263.05 59.73 L 258.24 58.96 L 256.29 59.61 L 257.23 63.98 L 258.45 66.52 L 255.14 69.45 L 258.55 71.55 L 260.45 73.93 L 260.68 75.8 L 259.13 77.75 L 255.95 79.71 L 251.46 81.02 L 253.44 82.49 L 254.9 86.91 L 253.38 89.79 L 251.22 90.7 L 247.05 88.04 L 245.02 84.91 L 244.15 82.1 L 244.61 79.68 L 241.56 79.41 L 236.93 79.25 L 233.96 78.07 L 230.45 77.3 L 228.44 75.98 L 225.64 74.92 L 220.43 73.7 L 216.51 74.26 L 215.2 72.13 L 213.94 69.51 L 209.82 69.05 L 209.97 65.8 L 211.06 63.59 L 214.1 60.44 L 217.53 58.18 L 220.79 57.83 L 220.98 56.01 L 223.19 54.82 L 227.2 54.64 L 230.45 52.75 L 231.27 51.52 L 233.97 49.16 L 234.81 47.76 L 237.71 48.6 L 241.61 48.17 L 247.1 46.21 L 247.46 44.85 L 245.48 43.35 L 247.57 41.86 L 247.4 40.47 L 243.64 39.08 L 239.5 38.67 L 235.52 38.46 L 235.37 41.53 L 233.33 43.94 L 230.4 45.96 L 227.69 44.07 L 228.53 42 L 225.18 40.2 L 221.43 42.39 L 221.44 39.53 L 216.23 38.96 L 218.72 37.59 L 214.91 34.43 L 212.07 33.2 L 208.37 32.75 L 205.05 34.78 L 204.83 37.87 L 208.1 39 L 211.1 40.72 L 209.83 43.54 L 207.57 43.46 L 205.79 45.69 L 205.81 43.05 L 201.47 42.1 L 198.98 42.59 L 199.3 44.33 L 195.21 44.26 L 190.86 44.7 L 185.91 43.44 L 182.78 43.67 L 179.96 42.15 L 177.7 41.48 L 175.46 41.76 L 172.05 41.88 L 170.24 42.84 L 173.1 44.03 L 170.05 45.44 L 167.06 43.77 L 164.67 44.25 L 157.1 44.58 L 152.03 43.98 L 155.97 42.59 L 152.19 41.18 L 149.44 41.36 L 145.58 40.88 L 139.02 39.86 L 134.73 38.68 L 131.33 38.52 L 130.27 39.34 L 126.83 39.8 L 126.45 37.67 L 122.72 39.57 L 117.98 37.06 L 116.04 36.76 L 115.41 38.08 L 113.32 38.73 L 111.39 37.58 L 106.8 38.27 L 102.6 39.5 L 98.43 39.16 L 95.03 40.04 L 92.57 41.2 L 89.65 40.95 L 85.24 39.6 L 80.01 38.93 L 79.99 49.31 L 79.98 65.24 L 82.74 65.33 L 85.47 66.1 L 87.43 67.33 L 89.92 69.17 L 92.65 67.61 L 95.46 66.7 L 96.95 68.15 L 98.84 69.3 L 101.41 70.55 L 103.16 72.56 L 106.03 75.75 L 110.8 77.53 L 110.88 79.29 L 109.32 80.64 L 109.38 82.08 L 112.77 84.11 L 113.26 86.36 L 116.85 87.55 L 116.45 89.27 L 118.01 91.75 L 123.09 92.9 L 125.09 94.11 L 130.52 96.86 L 130.9 96.87 L 138.86 96.87 L 147.18 96.87 L 149.94 96.87 L 158.49 96.87 L 166.76 96.87 L 175.17 96.87 L 183.59 96.87 L 193.12 96.87 L 202.71 96.87 L 208.51 96.87 L 208.52 95.79 L 209.47 95.78 L 209.97 97.32 L 210.84 97.79 L 212.8 97.97 L 215.66 98.41 L 218.38 99.27 L 220.65 98.91 L 224.1 99.64 L 225.24 98.53 L 226.83 98.09 L 227.45 97.41 L 228.08 97.05 L 230.69 97.62 L 232.62 97.68 L 233.29 98.06 L 234.23 99.64 L 237.38 100.06 L 236.89 100.86 L 238 101.68 L 237.52 102.74 L 238.7 103.09 L 238.11 104.03 L 238.86 104.12 L 239.39 103.71 L 239.94 104.33 L 242.04 104.67 L 244.17 104.7 L 246.44 104.98 L 248.95 105.52 L 249.86 106.4 L 251.68 108.55 L 250.78 109.47 L 248.5 109.09 L 247.08 107.36 L 247.44 109.12 L 246.1 110.67 L 246.25 112 L 246.02 112.78 L 244.21 113.71 L 242.89 115.24 L 242.27 116.22 L 243.81 116.4 L 245.89 115.51 L 247.12 114.73 L 247.95 114.6 L 249.49 114.88 L 250.24 114.45 L 251.61 114.09 L 254.05 113.75 L 254.05 113.75 L 254.05 113.75 L 253.8 112.91 L 253.67 112.94 L 252.81 113.08 L 251.69 112.82 L 252.53 111.86 L 253.38 111.53 L 255.36 111.13 L 257.73 110.75 L 258.97 111.27 L 259.75 110.66 L 260.64 110.27 L 261.24 110.48 L 261.27 110.52 L 264.14 108.57 L 265.41 108.06 L 269.67 108.04 L 274.84 108.04 L 275.12 107.34 L 276.02 107.2 L 277.21 106.77 L 278.21 105.5 L 279.07 103.32 L 281.21 101.21 L 282.14 101.94 L 284.02 101.47 L 285.27 102.27 L 285.27 106.08 L 287.1 107.66 L 290.22 107.32 L 294.71 107.23 L 289.84 109.54 L 289.95 111.91 L 292.08 112.11 L 295.21 110.1 L 297.99 108.97 L 304.2 107.31 L 307.67 105.48 L 305.86 104.46 L 305.57 102.46 Z  M 251.91 61.55 L 253.01 60.08 L 252.3 59.51 L 251.15 59.44 L 250.07 60.28 L 249.94 60.48 L 250.68 61.31 L 251.91 61.55 Z  M 109.25 80.66 L 109.25 80.66 L 110.81 79.31 L 109.25 80.66 Z  M 105.85 82.57 L 103.16 82.8 L 101.84 82.43 L 101.67 83.33 L 102.19 84.55 L 103.61 85.43 L 104.65 86.71 L 106.34 87.99 L 107.46 88 L 105.02 85.75 L 105.85 82.57 Z "></path>
  <path id="CD" class="land" fill="rgba(23, 88, 168, .5)" stroke="rgba(255, 255, 255, .5)" stroke-width="0.5" aria-label="Democratic Republic of Congo" role="menuitem" cs="100,100" d=" M 561.71 223.8 L 561.54 227.05 L 562.66 227.42 L 561.76 228.41 L 560.68 229.15 L 559.61 230.61 L 559.02 231.9 L 558.86 234.14 L 558.21 235.2 L 558.19 237.3 L 557.38 238.08 L 557.28 239.74 L 556.89 239.95 L 556.63 241.48 L 557.34 242.73 L 557.52 246.1 L 558.02 248.66 L 557.74 250.11 L 558.3 251.72 L 559.93 253.28 L 561.44 256.8 L 560.34 256.51 L 556.57 256.99 L 555.82 257.31 L 555.02 259.09 L 555.65 260.33 L 555.15 263.62 L 554.8 266.42 L 555.56 266.92 L 557.52 267.99 L 558.29 267.5 L 558.53 270.5 L 556.38 270.47 L 555.23 268.94 L 554.2 267.75 L 552.05 267.36 L 551.42 265.9 L 549.7 266.78 L 547.46 266.39 L 546.52 265.13 L 544.74 264.87 L 543.43 264.94 L 543.27 264.08 L 542.3 264.01 L 541.02 263.84 L 539.29 264.25 L 538.07 264.18 L 537.37 264.44 L 537.52 261.12 L 536.59 260.09 L 536.38 258.38 L 536.79 256.7 L 536.23 255.62 L 536.18 253.88 L 532.77 253.9 L 533.02 252.89 L 531.59 252.9 L 531.44 253.39 L 529.7 253.5 L 528.99 255.12 L 528.57 255.82 L 527.02 255.42 L 526.1 255.82 L 524.24 256.04 L 523.17 254.58 L 522.53 253.68 L 521.72 252.01 L 521.03 249.93 L 512.76 249.9 L 511.77 250.23 L 510.96 250.18 L 509.8 250.56 L 509.41 249.69 L 510.12 249.39 L 510.21 248.18 L 510.67 247.46 L 511.69 246.88 L 512.43 247.16 L 513.39 246.1 L 514.91 246.13 L 515.09 246.91 L 516.14 247.41 L 517.79 245.66 L 519.42 244.3 L 520.13 243.41 L 520.04 241.12 L 521.26 238.41 L 522.54 236.98 L 524.39 235.64 L 524.71 234.75 L 524.78 233.73 L 525.24 232.76 L 525.09 231.18 L 525.44 228.71 L 525.99 226.97 L 526.83 225.48 L 526.99 223.81 L 527.24 221.86 L 528.34 220.44 L 529.84 219.55 L 532.15 220.49 L 533.93 221.52 L 535.98 221.8 L 538.07 222.34 L 538.91 220.66 L 539.3 220.44 L 540.57 220.72 L 543.7 219.34 L 544.8 219.93 L 545.71 219.85 L 546.13 219.17 L 547.17 218.93 L 549.28 219.22 L 551.08 219.28 L 552.01 218.99 L 553.7 221.29 L 554.96 221.62 L 555.71 221.15 L 557.01 221.34 L 558.57 220.75 L 559.24 221.94 Z "></path>
  <path id="CF" class="land" fill="rgba(23, 88, 168, .5)" stroke="rgba(255, 255, 255, .5)" stroke-width="0.5" aria-label="Central African Republic" role="menuitem" cs="100,100" d=" M 518.09 212.9 L 520.41 212.68 L 520.93 211.97 L 521.39 212.03 L 522.09 212.65 L 525.62 211.59 L 526.81 210.5 L 528.28 209.52 L 528 208.54 L 528.79 208.29 L 531.5 208.46 L 534.14 207.17 L 536.16 204.13 L 537.59 203.01 L 539.36 202.53 L 539.68 203.73 L 541.3 205.47 L 541.3 206.6 L 540.85 207.76 L 541.03 208.62 L 542 209.42 L 544.14 210.65 L 545.67 211.77 L 545.7 212.68 L 547.58 214.13 L 548.75 215.33 L 549.46 217 L 551.56 218.1 L 552.01 218.99 L 551.08 219.28 L 549.28 219.22 L 547.17 218.93 L 546.13 219.17 L 545.71 219.85 L 544.8 219.93 L 543.7 219.34 L 540.57 220.72 L 539.3 220.44 L 538.91 220.66 L 538.07 222.34 L 535.98 221.8 L 533.93 221.52 L 532.15 220.49 L 529.84 219.55 L 528.34 220.44 L 527.24 221.86 L 526.99 223.81 L 525.19 223.65 L 523.29 223.18 L 521.62 224.65 L 520.15 227.25 L 519.85 226.44 L 519.73 225.17 L 518.45 224.28 L 517.41 222.84 L 517.17 221.84 L 515.85 220.39 L 516.07 219.56 L 515.79 218.38 L 516.01 216.22 L 516.68 215.72 Z "></path>
  <path id="CG" class="land" fill="rgba(23, 88, 168, .5)" stroke="rgba(255, 255, 255, .5)" stroke-width="0.5" aria-label="Republic of Congo" role="menuitem" cs="100,100" d=" M 511.69 246.88 L 510.64 245.93 L 509.79 246.4 L 508.66 247.59 L 506.36 244.65 L 508.49 243.11 L 507.44 241.27 L 508.4 240.57 L 510.29 240.23 L 510.51 238.99 L 512.01 240.33 L 514.49 240.45 L 515.35 239.13 L 515.7 237.28 L 515.39 235.1 L 514.07 233.46 L 515.28 230.23 L 514.58 229.68 L 512.5 229.9 L 511.71 228.47 L 511.92 227.25 L 515.45 227.36 L 517.72 228.09 L 519.95 228.75 L 520.15 227.25 L 521.62 224.65 L 523.29 223.18 L 525.19 223.65 L 526.99 223.81 L 526.83 225.48 L 525.99 226.97 L 525.44 228.71 L 525.09 231.18 L 525.24 232.76 L 524.78 233.73 L 524.71 234.75 L 524.39 235.64 L 522.54 236.98 L 521.26 238.41 L 520.04 241.12 L 520.13 243.41 L 519.42 244.3 L 517.79 245.66 L 516.14 247.41 L 515.09 246.91 L 514.91 246.13 L 513.39 246.1 L 512.43 247.16 Z "></path>
  <path id="CH" class="land" fill="#1758A8" stroke="rgba(255, 255, 255, .5)" stroke-width="0.5" aria-label="Switzerland" role="menuitem" cs="100,100" d=" M 502.15 101.01 L 502.26 101.51 L 501.83 102.2 L 503.1 102.7 L 504.53 102.78 L 504.31 103.93 L 503.08 104.4 L 501 104.05 L 500.39 105.18 L 499.06 105.27 L 498.57 104.82 L 497 105.77 L 495.65 105.9 L 494.44 105.3 L 493.48 104.08 L 492.14 104.52 L 492.18 103.25 L 494.23 101.68 L 494.14 100.97 L 495.42 101.23 L 496.19 100.75 L 498.57 100.77 L 499.15 100.16 Z "></path>
  <path id="CI" class="land" fill="rgba(23, 88, 168, .5)" stroke="rgba(255, 255, 255, .5)" stroke-width="0.5" aria-label="Côte d'Ivoire" role="menuitem" cs="100,100" d=" M 467.24 219.66 L 465.97 219.69 L 464.01 219.14 L 462.22 219.17 L 458.89 219.66 L 456.95 220.46 L 454.17 221.48 L 453.63 221.41 L 453.84 219.12 L 454.11 218.77 L 454.03 217.67 L 452.84 216.5 L 451.95 216.31 L 451.13 215.55 L 451.74 214.32 L 451.46 212.97 L 451.59 212.15 L 452.04 212.15 L 452.2 210.94 L 451.98 210.4 L 452.25 210.02 L 453.29 209.68 L 452.6 207.45 L 451.95 206.3 L 452.18 205.35 L 452.74 205.14 L 453.1 204.89 L 453.88 205.3 L 456.04 205.33 L 456.56 204.51 L 457.04 204.57 L 457.85 204.26 L 458.29 205.45 L 458.94 205.09 L 460.1 204.68 L 461.36 205.29 L 461.85 206.21 L 463.11 206.8 L 464.09 206.1 L 465.41 205.99 L 467.33 206.71 L 468.07 210.67 L 466.89 213.01 L 466.16 216.15 L 467.37 218.55 Z "></path>
  <path id="CL" class="land" fill="#1758A8" stroke="rgba(255, 255, 255, .5)" stroke-width="0.5" aria-label="Chile" role="menuitem" cs="100,100" d=" M 282.81 380.53 L 282.81 386.79 L 285.81 386.79 L 287.5 386.86 L 286.57 388 L 284.17 388.87 L 282.79 388.77 L 281.13 388.55 L 279.09 387.71 L 276.15 387.3 L 272.62 385.73 L 269.76 384.23 L 265.9 381.09 L 268.21 381.68 L 272.15 383.55 L 275.87 384.55 L 277.32 383.27 L 278.23 381.35 L 280.81 380.19 L 282.81 380.53 Z  M 283.97 293.46 L 285.07 297.31 L 287.09 296.93 L 287.43 297.63 L 286.47 300.53 L 283.42 301.91 L 283.51 306.56 L 282.92 307.45 L 283.76 308.55 L 281.78 310.29 L 279.94 312.9 L 278.94 315.45 L 279.21 318.15 L 277.48 321.02 L 278.77 325.84 L 279.5 326.35 L 279.49 328.92 L 277.89 331.64 L 277.95 333.98 L 275.83 335.8 L 275.84 338.38 L 276.69 341.1 L 275.01 342.12 L 274.26 344.61 L 273.6 347.48 L 274.07 350.88 L 272.94 351.46 L 273.59 354.69 L 274.86 355.75 L 273.94 356.92 L 275.24 357.48 L 275.54 358.54 L 274.32 359.07 L 274.62 360.71 L 273.6 364.42 L 272.11 366.81 L 272.44 368.22 L 271.55 370 L 269.4 371.23 L 269.65 374.2 L 270.64 375.22 L 272.51 375.04 L 272.46 377.14 L 273.62 378.77 L 280.4 379.15 L 283 379.58 L 280.51 379.56 L 279.16 380.26 L 276.63 381.27 L 276.18 383.89 L 274.99 383.95 L 271.83 383.04 L 268.62 381.09 L 268.62 381.09 L 265.13 379.49 L 264.25 377.71 L 265.04 376.07 L 263.63 374.21 L 263.27 369.44 L 264.46 366.75 L 267.42 364.58 L 263.16 363.77 L 265.83 361.29 L 266.78 356.64 L 269.9 357.62 L 271.36 351.83 L 269.48 351.08 L 268.6 354.58 L 266.83 354.18 L 267.71 350.18 L 268.67 345 L 269.96 343.09 L 269.15 340.36 L 268.92 337.21 L 270.1 337.12 L 271.82 332.6 L 273.76 328.13 L 274.95 323.97 L 274.3 319.78 L 275.14 317.48 L 274.8 314.03 L 276.44 310.62 L 276.95 305.21 L 277.85 299.42 L 278.73 293.18 L 278.52 288.62 L 277.94 284.69 L 279.38 283.98 L 280.13 282.55 L 281.5 284.45 L 281.87 286.46 L 283.34 287.64 L 282.46 290.34 L 283.97 293.46 Z "></path>
  <path id="CM" class="land" fill="rgba(23, 88, 168, .5)" stroke="rgba(255, 255, 255, .5)" stroke-width="0.5" aria-label="Cameroon" role="menuitem" cs="100,100" d=" M 511.92 227.25 L 511.57 227.1 L 509.91 227.46 L 508.2 227.08 L 506.87 227.27 L 502.31 227.2 L 502.72 225 L 501.62 223.17 L 500.34 222.69 L 499.77 221.44 L 499.05 221.04 L 499.09 220.28 L 499.81 218.3 L 501.14 215.62 L 501.95 215.59 L 503.62 213.96 L 504.69 213.92 L 506.26 215.06 L 508.19 214.12 L 508.45 212.97 L 509.08 211.84 L 509.51 210.43 L 511.01 209.28 L 511.58 207.34 L 512.17 206.72 L 512.57 205.27 L 513.31 203.49 L 515.67 201.33 L 515.82 200.4 L 516.13 199.9 L 515.02 198.79 L 515.11 197.91 L 515.9 197.75 L 517.01 199.53 L 517.2 201.38 L 517.1 203.24 L 518.62 205.76 L 517.06 205.73 L 516.27 205.93 L 514.99 205.65 L 514.38 206.97 L 516.03 208.59 L 517.25 209.07 L 517.65 210.22 L 518.53 212.14 L 518.09 212.9 L 516.68 215.72 L 516.01 216.22 L 515.79 218.38 L 516.07 219.56 L 515.85 220.39 L 517.17 221.84 L 517.41 222.84 L 518.45 224.28 L 519.73 225.17 L 519.85 226.44 L 520.15 227.25 L 519.95 228.75 L 517.72 228.09 L 515.45 227.36 Z "></path>
  <path id="CN" class="land" fill="#1758A8" stroke="rgba(255, 255, 255, .5)" stroke-width="0.5" aria-label="China" role="menuitem" cs="100,100" d=" M 784.63 181.54 L 782.21 182.88 L 779.91 182.01 L 779.83 179.62 L 781.21 178.36 L 784.27 177.58 L 785.88 177.64 L 786.51 178.71 L 785.28 179.93 L 784.63 181.54 Z  M 833.19 94.77 L 838.07 95.66 L 841.39 97.65 L 842.52 100.28 L 846.78 100.28 L 849.21 99.17 L 853.84 98.35 L 852.37 100.86 L 851.28 101.89 L 850.32 104.95 L 848.43 107.67 L 845.03 107.18 L 842.62 108.16 L 843.36 110.56 L 842.96 113.86 L 841.53 113.93 L 841.55 115.35 L 839.74 113.71 L 838.63 115.27 L 834.3 116.47 L 834.74 117.94 L 832.32 117.84 L 830.99 116.96 L 829.06 118.94 L 825.97 120.44 L 823.69 122.23 L 819.77 123.05 L 817.71 124.35 L 814.69 125.12 L 816.18 123.82 L 815.59 122.73 L 817.81 120.86 L 816.33 119.39 L 813.89 120.38 L 810.72 122.32 L 808.99 124.12 L 806.24 124.25 L 804.81 125.56 L 806.29 127.45 L 808.58 127.91 L 808.67 129.16 L 810.89 129.97 L 814.03 127.98 L 816.52 129.06 L 818.33 129.13 L 818.79 130.6 L 814.82 131.38 L 813.51 132.88 L 810.78 134.28 L 809.34 136.24 L 812.36 137.77 L 813.46 140.51 L 815.17 143.08 L 817.07 145.22 L 817.02 147.3 L 815.26 148.06 L 815.93 149.55 L 817.58 150.42 L 817.15 152.69 L 816.44 154.9 L 814.87 155.15 L 812.82 158.17 L 810.55 161.84 L 807.95 165.17 L 804.09 167.74 L 800.19 170.09 L 797.03 170.41 L 795.32 171.65 L 794.35 170.74 L 792.76 172.13 L 788.84 173.52 L 785.87 173.95 L 784.91 176.89 L 783.36 177.05 L 782.62 175.03 L 783.28 173.95 L 779.52 173.06 L 778.19 173.51 L 775.37 172.79 L 774.04 171.66 L 774.48 170.05 L 771.92 169.54 L 770.57 168.49 L 768.18 169.98 L 765.45 170.31 L 763.21 170.29 L 761.71 170.97 L 760.26 171.38 L 760.68 174.56 L 759.18 174.49 L 758.93 173.84 L 758.85 172.69 L 756.79 173.49 L 755.58 172.98 L 753.5 171.93 L 754.32 169.62 L 752.54 169.07 L 751.87 166.51 L 748.91 166.97 L 749.25 163.67 L 751.91 161.34 L 752.02 159.04 L 751.94 156.9 L 750.72 156.24 L 749.78 154.6 L 748.14 154.81 L 745.12 154.39 L 746.07 153.23 L 744.76 151.49 L 742.76 152.67 L 740.4 151.98 L 737.17 153.76 L 734.62 155.84 L 732.36 156.18 L 731.13 155.43 L 729.65 155.36 L 727.65 154.72 L 726.14 155.42 L 724.29 157.5 L 724.05 155.3 L 722.34 155.88 L 719.07 155.61 L 715.9 154.97 L 713.62 153.74 L 711.44 153.19 L 710.5 151.85 L 708.92 151.45 L 706.09 149.64 L 703.84 148.78 L 702.68 149.45 L 698.78 147.5 L 696.03 145.73 L 695.24 142.65 L 697.25 143.02 L 697.34 141.6 L 696.22 140.17 L 696.5 137.9 L 693.49 134.63 L 688.88 133.5 L 688.05 131.35 L 685.98 130.05 L 685.48 129.24 L 685.06 127.65 L 685.16 126.57 L 683.46 125.93 L 682.54 126.22 L 681.83 123.63 L 682.63 122.99 L 682.24 122.34 L 684.92 121.02 L 686.86 120.47 L 689.83 120.84 L 690.89 119.06 L 694.49 118.73 L 695.49 117.62 L 699.91 116.11 L 700.3 115.48 L 700.08 113.88 L 702 113.15 L 699.48 108.3 L 705.03 107.18 L 706.47 106.56 L 708.49 101.55 L 714.05 102.47 L 715.61 101.21 L 715.74 98.4 L 718.07 98.14 L 720.2 96.28 L 721.3 96.05 L 722.04 98.01 L 724.4 99.49 L 728.4 100.54 L 730.33 102.79 L 729.25 106.06 L 730.26 107.27 L 733.59 107.75 L 737.37 108.14 L 740.76 109.89 L 742.49 110.19 L 743.77 112.77 L 745.42 114.43 L 748.51 114.37 L 754.3 114.99 L 758.03 114.6 L 760.8 115.02 L 764.95 116.72 L 768.34 116.72 L 769.58 117.58 L 772.84 116.09 L 777.37 115.12 L 781.57 115.01 L 784.85 114.03 L 786.86 112.53 L 788.82 111.59 L 788.37 110.67 L 787.47 109.59 L 788.94 107.79 L 790.52 108.04 L 793.4 108.61 L 796.19 107.13 L 800.47 106.04 L 802.52 104.19 L 804.49 103.4 L 808.56 103.03 L 810.77 103.34 L 811.08 102.35 L 808.54 100.39 L 806.29 99.5 L 804.13 100.53 L 801.36 100.1 L 799.77 100.45 L 799.05 99.31 L 801.03 96.51 L 802.4 94.4 L 805.77 95.46 L 809.72 93.69 L 809.69 92.46 L 812.22 89.49 L 813.78 88.59 L 813.74 87.05 L 812.2 86.38 L 814.52 84.99 L 818 84.49 L 821.72 84.41 L 825.92 85.24 L 828.38 86.27 L 830.11 89.09 L 831.16 90.3 L 832.14 92.01 L 833.19 94.77 Z "></path>
  <path id="CO" class="land" fill="#1758A8" stroke="rgba(255, 255, 255, .5)" stroke-width="0.5" aria-label="Colombia" role="menuitem" cs="100,100" d=" M 263.92 233.99 L 262.72 233.33 L 261.34 232.41 L 260.54 232.85 L 258.16 232.46 L 257.48 231.26 L 256.96 231.31 L 254.15 229.72 L 253.77 228.85 L 254.82 228.64 L 254.7 227.25 L 255.35 226.24 L 256.74 226.05 L 257.93 224.3 L 259 222.85 L 257.96 222.18 L 258.49 220.56 L 257.86 218.01 L 258.46 217.29 L 258.02 214.93 L 256.88 213.44 L 257.24 212.1 L 258.15 212.29 L 258.68 211.46 L 258.03 209.83 L 258.37 209.41 L 259.81 209.5 L 261.92 207.56 L 263.07 207.26 L 263.1 206.34 L 263.62 203.99 L 265.23 202.7 L 266.99 202.65 L 267.21 202.07 L 269.41 202.29 L 271.62 200.89 L 272.71 200.27 L 274.06 198.93 L 275.06 199.09 L 275.79 199.83 L 275.25 200.76 L 273.45 201.24 L 272.74 202.63 L 271.65 203.42 L 270.84 204.46 L 270.49 206.44 L 269.72 208.08 L 271.16 208.26 L 271.52 209.54 L 272.14 210.16 L 272.36 211.27 L 272.03 212.3 L 272.13 212.89 L 272.82 213.12 L 273.49 214.09 L 277.09 213.82 L 278.72 214.18 L 280.7 216.57 L 281.83 216.27 L 283.85 216.42 L 285.45 216.11 L 286.44 216.59 L 285.93 218.08 L 285.31 219.02 L 285.09 221.02 L 285.65 222.87 L 286.45 223.7 L 286.54 224.33 L 285.12 225.71 L 286.14 226.32 L 286.89 227.3 L 287.74 230.07 L 287.21 230.42 L 286.67 228.77 L 285.89 227.89 L 284.96 228.85 L 279.5 228.79 L 279.53 230.53 L 281.17 230.82 L 281.08 231.89 L 280.52 231.6 L 278.94 232.06 L 278.93 234.08 L 280.17 235.1 L 280.61 236.69 L 280.54 237.9 L 279.28 245.54 L 277.88 244.05 L 277.04 243.99 L 278.85 241.16 L 276.7 239.85 L 275.02 240.09 L 274.01 239.61 L 272.46 240.35 L 270.37 240 L 268.72 237.08 L 267.42 236.36 L 266.53 235.04 L 264.67 233.72 Z "></path>
  <path id="CR" class="land" fill="#1758A8" stroke="rgba(255, 255, 255, .5)" stroke-width="0.5" aria-label="Costa Rica" role="menuitem" cs="100,100" d=" M 242.63 210.66 L 241.11 210.04 L 240.54 209.45 L 240.86 208.97 L 240.76 208.36 L 239.98 207.69 L 238.88 207.14 L 237.91 206.79 L 237.73 205.97 L 236.99 205.47 L 237.17 206.28 L 236.61 206.95 L 235.97 206.18 L 235.07 205.9 L 234.69 205.34 L 234.71 204.49 L 235.08 203.61 L 234.29 203.22 L 234.93 202.69 L 235.35 202.32 L 237.2 203.06 L 237.84 202.7 L 238.73 202.93 L 239.2 203.5 L 240.02 203.69 L 240.69 203.1 L 241.41 204.61 L 242.49 205.73 L 243.81 206.93 L 242.72 207.17 L 242.74 208.29 L 243.32 208.7 L 242.9 209.04 L 243.01 209.54 L 242.78 210.11 Z "></path>
  <path id="CU" class="land" fill="#1758A8" stroke="rgba(255, 255, 255, .5)" stroke-width="0.5" aria-label="Cuba" role="menuitem" cs="100,100" d=" M 244.58 168.96 L 247.01 169.16 L 249.21 169.19 L 251.84 170.14 L 252.96 171.17 L 255.58 170.85 L 256.57 171.5 L 258.95 173.23 L 260.69 174.49 L 261.61 174.45 L 263.29 175.02 L 263.08 175.81 L 265.15 175.92 L 267.27 177.06 L 266.94 177.71 L 265.07 178.07 L 263.18 178.21 L 261.25 177.98 L 257.24 178.25 L 259.12 176.7 L 257.98 175.97 L 256.17 175.79 L 255.2 174.98 L 254.53 173.4 L 252.95 173.5 L 250.33 172.76 L 249.49 172.17 L 245.84 171.74 L 244.86 171.19 L 245.91 170.5 L 243.16 170.36 L 241.15 171.8 L 239.98 171.84 L 239.58 172.53 L 238.2 172.83 L 237 172.56 L 238.48 171.7 L 239.08 170.69 L 240.35 170.08 L 241.78 169.53 L 243.91 169.27 Z "></path>
  <path id="CY" class="land" fill="#1758A8" stroke="rgba(255, 255, 255, .5)" stroke-width="0.5" aria-label="Cyprus" role="menuitem" cs="100,100" d=" M 570.31 135.33 L 572.2 134.14 L 569.65 134.97 L 567.63 134.93 L 567.23 135.61 L 567.03 135.62 L 565.7 135.72 L 566.35 136.84 L 567.72 137.21 L 570.6 136.07 L 570.51 135.85 Z "></path>
  <path id="CZ" class="land" fill="#1758A8" stroke="rgba(255, 255, 255, .5)" stroke-width="0.5" aria-label="Czech Republic" role="menuitem" cs="100,100" d=" M 522.81 98.02 L 521.51 97.49 L 520.2 97.64 L 518.02 96.78 L 517.03 96.99 L 515.46 98.14 L 513.37 97.23 L 511.79 96.03 L 510.36 95.36 L 510.06 94.18 L 509.57 93.35 L 511.61 92.74 L 512.65 92.04 L 514.66 91.5 L 515.37 90.97 L 516.11 91.29 L 517.36 91 L 518.69 91.9 L 520.78 92.15 L 520.61 92.91 L 522.13 93.49 L 522.55 92.77 L 524.47 93.08 L 524.74 93.96 L 526.82 94.12 L 528.11 95.5 L 527.28 95.51 L 526.84 96.01 L 526.2 96.13 L 526.02 96.77 L 525.48 96.9 L 525.4 97.16 L 524.45 97.45 L 523.2 97.4 Z "></path>
  <path id="DE" class="land" fill="#1758A8" stroke="rgba(255, 255, 255, .5)" stroke-width="0.5" aria-label="Germany" role="menuitem" cs="100,100" d=" M 503.07 80.15 L 503.12 81.24 L 505.96 81.89 L 505.93 82.88 L 508.78 82.36 L 510.35 81.59 L 513.52 82.7 L 514.84 83.59 L 515.5 85.01 L 514.72 85.76 L 515.73 86.76 L 516.43 88.25 L 516.21 89.21 L 517.36 91 L 516.11 91.29 L 515.37 90.97 L 514.66 91.5 L 512.65 92.04 L 511.61 92.74 L 509.57 93.35 L 510.06 94.18 L 510.36 95.36 L 511.79 96.03 L 513.37 97.23 L 512.39 98.52 L 511.38 98.88 L 511.78 100.7 L 511.51 101.18 L 510.64 100.6 L 509.3 100.52 L 507.29 101.02 L 504.82 100.9 L 504.42 101.64 L 503 100.86 L 502.15 101.01 L 499.15 100.16 L 498.57 100.77 L 496.19 100.75 L 496.54 98.75 L 497.96 96.84 L 493.92 96.33 L 492.6 95.59 L 492.76 94.37 L 492.2 93.74 L 492.52 91.85 L 492.04 88.92 L 493.73 88.92 L 494.44 87.87 L 495.14 85.3 L 494.61 84.36 L 495.16 83.76 L 497.5 83.61 L 498.02 84.23 L 499.93 82.85 L 499.29 81.8 L 499.16 80.21 L 501.28 80.58 Z "></path>
  <path id="DJ" class="land" fill="#1758A8" stroke="rgba(255, 255, 255, .5)" stroke-width="0.5" aria-label="Djibouti" role="menuitem" cs="100,100" d=" M 596.05 198.19 L 596.71 199.05 L 596.62 200.22 L 595.02 200.88 L 596.23 201.64 L 595.19 203.13 L 594.57 202.64 L 593.9 202.83 L 592.33 202.78 L 592.28 201.94 L 592.07 201.17 L 593.01 199.86 L 594 198.63 L 595.2 198.88 Z "></path>
  <path id="DK" class="land" fill="#1758A8" stroke="rgba(255, 255, 255, .5)" stroke-width="0.5" aria-label="Denmark" role="menuitem" cs="100,100" d=" M 510.83 78.4 L 509.15 80.67 L 506.22 79.09 L 505.83 77.93 L 509.94 77 L 510.83 78.4 Z  M 505.85 76.03 L 505.16 77.08 L 504.33 76.78 L 502.31 78.79 L 503.07 80.15 L 501.28 80.58 L 499.16 80.21 L 498.02 78.66 L 497.94 75.8 L 498.41 75.04 L 499.21 74.2 L 501.68 74.03 L 502.66 73.26 L 504.92 72.47 L 504.82 73.91 L 503.99 74.82 L 504.33 75.61 L 505.85 76.03 Z "></path>
  <path id="DO" class="land" fill="#1758A8" stroke="rgba(255, 255, 255, .5)" stroke-width="0.5" aria-label="Dominican Republic" role="menuitem" cs="100,100" d=" M 274.18 178.65 L 274.53 178.17 L 276.72 178.19 L 278.38 178.9 L 279.12 178.83 L 279.63 179.82 L 281.16 179.76 L 281.07 180.59 L 282.32 180.7 L 283.7 181.72 L 282.66 182.86 L 281.32 182.25 L 280.04 182.36 L 279.12 182.23 L 278.61 182.74 L 277.53 182.92 L 277.11 182.23 L 276.18 182.64 L 275.06 184.54 L 274.34 184.1 L 274.19 183.3 L 274.25 182.54 L 273.53 181.71 L 274.21 181.24 L 274.43 180.17 Z "></path>
  <path id="DZ" class="land" fill="#1758A8" stroke="rgba(255, 255, 255, .5)" stroke-width="0.5" ari
GET https://www.worldjewishcongress.org/
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text/html; charset=UTF-8
Thu, 19 Sep 2024 15:58:10 GMT
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1.1 vegur
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Empty body

GET http://www.worldjewishcongress.org/
Response Headers
text/html; charset=utf-8
Thu, 19 Sep 2024 15:58:10 GMT
1.1 vegur
Response Body

Empty body


Resolver ASN
Resolver IP
Resolver Network Name
Cloudflare Inc
Report ID
Software Name
ooniprobe-android-unattended (3.9.0)
Measurement Engine
ooniprobe-engine (3.23.0)

Raw Measurement Data
